गतागत mfn. mfn. (g. अक्षद्यूता-दि) going and coming, [BhP. xi, 28, 26] गतागत n. n. going and coming, going to and fro, reiterated motion in general, [Bhag. ix, 21] ; [Kathās. iii] , (pl. ), iic, cxviii, 119 the flight of a bird backward and forward, [MBh. vii, 1902] (in astron. ) irregular course of the asterisms, [VarBṛ.] appearance and disappearance, growth and decline, [R. vii, 51, 24] कृ pl. with √ , to enter into a negotiation or treaty, [Rājat. viii] गमागम cf. .