E. घन a cloud, and तुल् to be equal, घनं मेघं तोलयति ऊर्द्ध्वं नयति आह्वानेन . तुल- उन्मितौ अण् उपमित समासः . who soars to the clouds in the rainy sea- son, which, according to the fable, is the only time when he gets [Page254-a+ 60] water to drink; some books have घनताल from ताल tune, or sound; whose music is (from) the clouds.
घन तुल् घनं मेघं तोलयति ऊर्द्ध्वं नयति आह्वानेन . तुल- उन्मितौ अण् उपमित समासः . घनताल ताल