Dictionaries | References च चञ्चु { cañcu } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words चञ्चु A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 चञ्चु mfn. mfn.ifc. (= चण, चुञ्चु) renowned or famous for, [MBh. xiii, 17, 107] ; [Bhartṛ. iii, 57] skilled, clever inचञ्चु m. m. a deer, [L.] -तैल the castor-oil plant, [L.] (cf.) ROOTS: तैलa red kind of the same plant, [L.] the plant गो-नाडीक (or नाडीच), [L.] the plant क्षुद्रचञ्चु, [L.] N. of a son of हरित, [Hariv. 758] ; [VP. iv, 3, 15] चञ्चु f. f. a beak, bill, [VarBṛS.] ; [Pañcat.] ; [Hit.] -पत्त्र = , [Bhpr.] ROOTS: पत्त्र(n. ?) a box (applied as a N. to one of the 3 kinds of famine), [Divyâv.] चञ्चु The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 चञ्चु [cañcu] a. a. [चञ्च्-उन्]Celebrated, renowned, known.Clever (as अक्षरचञ्चु); ओष्ठेन रामो रामोष्ठबिम्बचुम्बनचञ्चुता [Śi.2.14;] see चुञ्चु.ञ्चुः A deer. N. N. of a casteroil plant (Mar. रक्त एरंड).-ञ्चुः, -ञ्चूः f. f. A beak, bill.-Comp.-पुटः, -टम् the bill of a bird when shut; चञ्चूपुटं चपलयन्ति चकोरपोताः R. G.; [Bv.2.99;] अमोचि चञ्चूपुटमौनमुद्रा विहायसा तेन विहस्य भूयः [N.3.99;] नुनुदे ननु कण्डुपण्डितः पटुचञ्चूपुटकोटिकुट्टनैः [N.2.4;] व्यलिखच्चञ्चुपुटेन पक्षती 2.2; [Amaru.13.] -प्रहारः a peck with the beak.-भृत् -मत्, m. m. a bird.-सूचिः the tailor bird. चञ्चु Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 चञ्चु f. (-ञ्चुः) A beak; also चञ्चू. m. (-ञ्चुः)1. The castor oil plant.2. A kind of potherb.3. A deer.E. चञ्चु to go, to eat, affix उन्. ROOTS:चञ्चु उन् Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP