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   { cāndrāyaṇam }
Script: Devanagari


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चान्द्रायणम् [cāndrāyaṇam]   [चन्द्रस्यायनमिवायनमत्र पूर्वपदात् संज्ञायां णत्वम् संज्ञायां दीर्घः स्वार्थे अण् वा [Tv.] ] A religious observance or expiatory penance regulated by the moon's age (the period of its waxing and waning); (in it the daily quantity of food, which consists of fifteen mouthfuls at the full moon, is diminished by one mouthful every day during the dark fortnight till it is reduced to zero at the new moon, and is increased in like manner during the bright fortnight); cf. [Y.3.324] et seq. and [Ms.11.217.]

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