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   { culukḥ, culuka }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
CULUKA   A river. People of ancient Bhārata used to drink the water of this river. [Śloka 20, Chapter 9, Bhīṣma Parva] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चुलुक  mn. mn. (= चल्°) the hand hollowed to hold water, handful or mouthful of water, draught, [Bālar.] ; [Naiṣ.] (v.l.°लक, xxii, 41), [Viddh. i, 15] ; [Kuval. 462 &] ; [Pañcad.] (°लक) &c.
चुलुक  m. m. deep mud or mire, [L.]
   a small vessel (gallipot, &c.), [L.]
कण्वादि   N. of a man g. (°लक, [Gaṇaratnâv.] )


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चुलुकः [culukḥ]   [चुल्-उकञ्]
   Deep mud.
   A mouthful of water or the hand hollowed to hold water or anything; ममौ स भद्रं चुलुके समुद्रः [N.8.45;] ज्ञात्वा विधातुश्श्चुलुकात् प्रसूतिम् [Vikr.1.37.]
   A small vessel.
-क   Water in which pulse had been steeped.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चुलुक  m.  (-कः)
   1. Mud, mire.
   2. A small vessel or pot, a gallipot, &c. 3. The hand hollowed to hold water.
  n.  (-कं) Water in which pulse has been steeped.
   E. चुल् to dip into, aff. उकक्H see चलुक.
चुल् उकक्H चलुक

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