Dictionaries | References


   { tallajḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
तल्लज  m. m.ifc. an excellent specimen of. e.g.कुमारी-, ‘an excellent maiden’ [L.] Sch.
गो   cf.-
मतल्लिका   .


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
तल्लजः [tallajḥ]   1 Excellence, superiority, happiness.
   (At the end of comp.) Excellent (in this sense the word is always masculine, whatever be the gender of the first member of the compound); गोतल्लजः 'an excellent cow'; so कुमारीतल्लजः 'an excellent maiden'.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
तल्लज  m.  (-जः) Excellence, happiness; also attributively, Excellent, happy: used in apposition as an epithet, the gender is not chang- ed, as कुमारीतल्लजः an excelent maiden.
   E. तत् that, (that which is every thing,) and लज् to attain, affix अच् . तत् प्रसिद्धं यथा तथा लजति लज कान्तौ अच् . प्रशस्ते .
तत् लज् अच् . तत् प्रसिद्धं यथा तथा लजति लज कान्तौ अच् . प्रशस्ते .

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