तुज् f. 1.f. (only acc. °जम्dat. °जे॑) = तु॑च्, iii-v. तुज् 2.cl. 6. (3.du. Ā. °जेते; p. P. °ज॑त्; inf. ज॑से and तु॑जे; Pass. p. °ज्य॑मान), and तुञ्ज् (3. pl. P. °ज॑न्तिĀ. °ज॑ते; p. °जान॑, तु॑ञ्जान, and तु॑ञ्जमान), to strike, hit, push, [RV.] ; to press out (‘तु॑ञ्जति, to give’ [Naigh.] ; [Nir.] ), [RV. i, ix] ; Ā. to flow forth, iii, 1, 16; to instigate, incite, i, iii; Pass. to be vexed, i, 11, 5: cl. 1. तोजति, to hurt, [Dhātup. vii, 70] : Caus. (p. तुज॑यत्; aor. Pot. तुतुज्या॑त्, p. तू॑तुजानq.v. ) to promote, [RV. i, 143, 6] ; to move quickly, vii, 104, 7; तुञ्जयति, ‘to speak’ or ‘to shine’ [Dhātup. xxxiii, 82] ; तुञ्ज्° or तोजयति, to hurt, xxxii, 30; to be strong, ib.; to give or take, ib.; to abide, ib.; cf. आ-तुजि॑. 3. तुज् mfn. amfn. urging, [RV.] तुज् f. f. (only instr. °जा) shock, impulse, assault, [RV.]