दृंह् or दृह्cl. 1. P. दृं॑हति, to make firm, fix, strengthen, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] &c. (p. दृंह॑न्तम्, [AV. xii, 29] ); Ā. °ते, to be firm or strong, [RV.] &c. (trans. = P. only in दृंहे॑थे, [RV. vi, 67, 6, and] दृंहामहै, [ŚBr. ii, 1, 9] ); cl. 4. Ā. P. only Impf. दृह्य and °ह्यस्व, be strong, [RV.] ; cl. 1. दर्हति, to grow, [Dhātup. xvii, 84] ; pf. ददर्ह or ददृंह; p. Ā. दादृहाण॑, fixing, holding, [RV. i, 130, 4; iv, 26, 6] ; fixed, firm, i, 85, 10; aor. अ॑ददृहन्त, they were fixed or firm, x, 82, 1 : Caus. Ā. P. दृंहयति, °ते, to make firm, fix, establish, [AV.] ; [Kauś.] ; [Gobh.]