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   { dēvayānī, devayānī }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
DEVAYĀNĪ   Sukrācārya's daughter.
1) Birth.
Svāyambhuvamanu, son of Brahmā had two sons: Priyavrata and Uttānapāda. Priyavrata wedded Surūpā and Barhiṣmatī, two very beautiful daughters of Viśvakarmaprajāpati, and he had by Surūpā ten sons called Agnīdhra, Idhmajihvā, Yajñabāhu, Mahāvīra, Rukmasukra, Ghṛtapṛṣṭha, Savana, Medhātithi, Vītihotra and Kavi as also a daughter called Ūrjasvatī who was the youngest of the whole lot. Of the above ten sons Kavi, Savana and Mahāvīra were spiritual giants and great sages. Uttama, Tāpasa and Raivata, the three sons of Priyavrata by his second wife Barhiṣmatī turned out to be manvantarādhipatis. Ūrjasvatī, the only daughter of Priyavrata was married to Śukrācārya, preceptor of the asuras. Devayānī was Śukrācārya's daughter by Ūrjasvatī. [Devībhāgavata, Aṣṭama Skandha] .
2) Curse by Kaca.
Kaca, son of Bṛhaspati became Śukrācārya's disciple to learn Mṛtasañjīvanī vidyā (the science to ward off death for ever). Devayānī fell madly in love with Kaca. But, after his studies under her father were over Kaca returned to devaloka without marrying Devayānī, who cursed that Kaca's learning should prove useless. And, Kaca cursed her in return that nobody from devaloka should marry her. (For details see Kaca).
3) Devayānī in a neglected well.
Once Vṛṣaparvan was the king of the asuras, and Śukrācārya lived in his palace. Śarmiṣṭhā, the daughter of the king and Devayānī, the daughter of Śukrācārya became thick friends. While one day these two friends with their companions were engaged in water sports Indra came that way. Very much interested in seeing the deva damsels thus engaged in water sports Indra assumed the form of air and blew off the dresses of the damsels from the shore while they were playing in the river. The damsels hurriedly got out of water, ran after the fleeing garments and put on whatever came to their hands. In the confusion what Śarmiṣṭhā got and wore was Devayānī's clothes. Devayānī ran after Śarmiṣṭhā and caught hold of the clothes, but the latter did not yield them to her. Both of them indulged in hot words against each other, Śarmiṣṭhā calling Śukrācārya a beggar living in her father's palace for his food. Not only that, she pushed Devayānī into a neglected well and went her way. At that time prince Yayāti, son of Nahuṣa, was hunting in that forest. Feeling very thirsty he came to the well for a drink and therein saw Devayānī in tears. He brought her out from the well and leaving her there went on his way. Śukrācārya and his wife actually got anxious and upset that their daughter had not returned even after the lapse of so much time and deputed their servant Gurṇikā to seek for Devayānī. She found her out in the forest. But, Devayānī refused to return home as she did not want to continue as the daughter of one who lived on the charity of Śarmiṣṭhā and her father. Gurṇikā carried back this news to Śukrācārya, who then went himself to the forest and met his daughter. He felt deeply wounded to hear about the insults heaped on his daughter by Śarmiṣṭhā, and sent word to Vṛṣaparvan that they were not returning to the palace. Vṛṣaparvan realised that if Śukrācārya quarrelled with him the whole asura world also would become divided. He, therefore, tried his best to pacify the ācārya and his daughter. At last Devayānī agreed to return to the palace in case Śarmiṣṭhā went to her with one thousand of her maids to serve as her (Devayānī's) maids. Vṛṣaparvan acted accordingly and Devayānī was satisfied and returned to the palace with her father. [Ādi Parva, Chapter 78 onwards.]
4) Wedding of Devayānī.
Some time afterwards when Devayānī was sporting in the forest with Śarmiṣṭhā and others, King Yayāti happened to pass that way. They recognised each other and Devayānī requested Yayāti to marry her as she had mentally chosen him as her husband on the very same day on which he had saved her from the well. Yayāti realised only too well that it was really dangerous to marry the daughter of Śukrācārya in the forest secretly and he, therefore, rejected Devayānī's request. But, she got down her father there and with his permission Yayāti married her. He also got much wealth by way of dowry. Śarmiṣṭhā and her maids accompanied Devayānī but Sukrācārya warned Yayāti that on no account should he touch Śarmiṣṭhā. With his wife and her attendants Yayāti returned to his palace; but he put Śarmiṣṭhā and her maids in a place newly built for the purpose. Devayānī delivered a child in due course and it was named Yadu. Śarmiṣṭhā one day met Yayāti in the forest and requested for a child by him. Though at first he was reluctant to oblige remembering only too well the injunction of Śukrācārya, he at last succumbed to the eloquence of Śarmiṣṭhā. She got pregnant by him and the child she delivered was called Druhyu. Devayānī was alarmed at the birth of a child to Śarmiṣṭha, who was unmarried, and questioned her about it. Śarmiṣṭhā's answer that a brahmin stranger, who came that way was the father of her child satisfied Devayānī. Ere long another son, Turvasu, was born to Devayānī, and Śarmiṣṭhā too delivered two children called Anudruhyu and Pūru. Thus the mistress (Devayānī) had two sons and her servant, Śarmiṣṭhā three sons. While Yayāti and Devayānī were one day strolling in the garden the sons of Śarmiṣṭhā came there. She noticed the close resemblance of those boys to her husband (Yayāti) and it kindled her wrath. Though Yayāti did not, because of the presence of Devayānī, notice the children, when she asked them who their father was, they answered “Yayāti”, whereupon in great rage she ran up to her father. Yayāti too followed her. Devayānī told her father about the infidelity of Yayāti and he (Śukra) cursed that Yayāti be afflicted with old age. When Yayāti asked for redumption from the curse Śukrācārya told him that he could exchange his old age for the youth of somebody else. Yayāti then called together all his five sons and asked them whether anyone of them was prepared to exchange his (son's) youth for his (Yayāti's) old age for one thousand years. The three elder sons refused to agree to the proposal, but the fourth son Pūru gladly exchanged his youth with his father's old age. After spending his life in youthful enjoyment for one thousand years Yayāti returned his youth to Pūru, and Pūru assumed Kingship of the country. [Ādi Parva, Chapters 81-83] .
5) Synonyms for Devayānī.
Auśanasī, Śukratanayā and Bhārgavī.


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  शुक्राचार्य की पुत्री   Ex. देवयानी का विवाह ययाति से हुआ था ।
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)


देवयानी n.  असुरोंके राजपुरोहित शुक्राचार्य की कन्या । पुरंदर इंद्र की कन्या जयंती इसकी माता थी । शुक्राचार्य को प्रसन्न कर, दस वर्षो तक उसके पास रहने के बाद जयंती को यह कन्या हुई । प्रियव्रतपुत्री उजस्वती इसकी माता थी, ऐसा भी उल्लेख प्राप्त है [मा.५.१.२५] । देवों के कथनानुसार संजीवनी विद्या सीखने के लिये बृहस्पतिपुत्र कच असुर गुरु शुक्राचार्य के पास आ कर रह गया । कच का आकर्षक व्यक्तिमत्त्व देख, देवयानी उससे प्रेम करने लगी । कच से विवाह करने का प्रस्ताव इसने उसके सामने प्रस्तुत किया । किंतु गुरुकन्या मान कर कच ने इसका पाणिग्रहण नहीं किया । तब ‘तुम्हारी विद्या तुम्हें फलद्रूप नहीं होगी,’ ऐसा शाप देवयानी ने उसे दिया । निरपराध होते हुए शाप देने के कारण, क्रुद्ध हो कर, कच ने भी इसे शाप दिया, ‘कोई भी ऋषपुत्र तुम्हारा वरण न करेगा’। इसीसे इसे क्षत्रियपत्नी बनना पडा । कच के वापस जाने के बाद, एक बार वृषपर्वन् राजा की कन्या शर्मिष्ठा, तथा यह अपनी सखियों के साथ क्रीडा करने गई । उस वन में अपने अपने वस्त्र किनारे रख कर, ये बालायें जलक्रीडा करने लगी । नटखट इन्द्र ने इनका मजाक उडाने के लिये, सब के वस्त्र मिल जुल कर रख दिये । जलक्रीडा समाप्त होने पर सब सखियॉं एकदम बाहर आई, तथा गडबडी में जो भी वस्त्र जिसे मिला, उसे पहनने लगी । भागवत में कहा है कि, नंदी पर बैठ कर नदी किनारे से शंकर जा रहे थे । इस कारण लज्जित हो कर, ये लडकियॉं पानी से बाहर आयीं, एवं वस्त्र परिधान करने लगी [भा.९.१८] । इस गडबडी में, गलती से शर्मिष्ठा ने देवयानी की साडी पहन ली । अपनी साडी शर्मिष्ठा द्वारा पहनी देख कर, दवयानी अत्यंत क्रोधित हुई । देवयनी ने कहा, ‘मेरी शिष्या होते हुए भी तुमने मेरा वस्त्र परिधान क्यों किया? तुम्हारा कभी भी कल्याण न होगा’ । तब शर्मिष्ठा ने कहा, ‘मैं राजकन्या हूँ तथा तुम मेरे पिता के पुरोहित शुक्राचार्य की कन्या हो । इतनी नीच हो कर भी, मेरे जैसी राजकन्या से तेढी बात करने में तुम्हे शर्म आनी चाहिये’। इस प्रकार वे दोनों एक दूसरे को गालियॉं दे कर वस्त्रों का खीचतान करने लगी । अन्त में शर्मिष्ठा ने वहीं एक कुएँ में इसे ढकेल दिया । इसकी मृत्यु हो गयी, ऐसे समझ कर वह नगर में वापस गई । जिस कुएँ में देवयानी गिरी थी, उसके पास मृग के पीछे दौडता हुआ, नहुषपुत्र ययाति पहूँच गया । उथकप्राशनार्थ उस कुएँ में उसने झॉंक कर देखा, तो भीतर एक अत्यंत तेजस्वी कन्या उसे दिख पडी । यह नग्न के कारण, उसने अपना उत्तरीय इसे पहनने के लिये दिया [भा.९.१८] । बाद में ययाति ने इसे सारा वृत्तांत पूछा । तब इसने बताया, ‘मैं शुक्राचार्य की कन्या हूँ’ । यह ब्राह्मणकन्या है, यह जान कर ययाति ने इसका दाहिना हाथ पकड कर इसे बाहर निकाला । बाद में इससे बिदा हो कर, वह अपने नगर वापस गया । देवयानी को ढूँढने के लिये घूर्णिका नामक एक दासी आयी । देवयानी ने उसके द्वारा, अपने पिता उशनस् शुक्र को संदेशा भिजवाया, ‘मैं वृषपर्वन के नगर में नही आऊंगी’। घूर्णिका ने यह वृत्त, वृषपर्वन के राजदरबार में बैठे शुक्राचार्य को बताया । उसे सुनते ही शुक्राचार्य तुरंत वन में आया, एवं अपनी दुःखी कन्या से मिला । इसकी हालत देखते ही वह बोला, ‘अवश्य ही पूर्वजन्म में तुमने कुछ पाप किया होगा, जिसके कारण तुम्हें यह सजा मिल रही है’। पश्चात देवयानी ने उसे शर्मिष्ठा के शब्द बताये । उन्हें सुन कर शुक्राचार्य को अत्यंत क्रोध आय । परंतु देवयानी ने पिता की सांत्वना की, एवं कहा, ‘वृषपर्वन् की कन्या ने, तुमसे भी मेरा ज्यादा अपमान किया है । उससे मैं बदला ले कर ही रहूँगी’। बाद में कोपाविष्ट शुक्राचार्य, दैत्य राजा वृषपर्वन् का त्याग करने के लिये प्रवृत्त हुआ । वृषपर्वन् ने नम्रता से उसकी क्षमा मॉंगी । तब शुक्र ने कहा, ‘तुम देवयानी को समझाओ, क्यों कि, उसका दुख मैं सहन नहीं कर सकता’। तब वृषपर्वन ने कहा, ‘आप हमारे सर्वस्व के स्वामी हैं । इसलिये आप देवयानी को हमें मॉफ करने को कह दें’। यह सारा वृत्त शुक्राचार्य ने देवयानी को बताया । जवाब में इसने कहा कि, ‘यह सब राजा मुझे स्वयं आ कर कहा’। तब वृषपर्वन् ने इससे कहा, ‘हे देवयानी । तुम जो चाहो, मैं करने के लिये तैय्यार हूँ । किंतु तुम नाराज न हो’। तब देवयानी ने कहा, ‘तुम्हारी कन्या शर्मिष्ठा अपनी सहस्त्र दासियों सह मेरी दासी बने, तथा जिससें मैं विवाह करुंगी, उसके घर भी वह दासी बन कर, मेरे साथ आये’। देवयानी की यह शर्त मान्य कर, वृषपर्वन् ने शर्मिष्ठा को बुलावा भेजा । बुलानेवाली दासी ने देवयानी की शर्त के बारे में, सारा कुछ शर्मिष्ठा को पहले ही बताया था । देवयानी के पास जा कर, शर्मिष्ठा ने उसके शर्त मान्य कर ली । तब देवयानी ने उपहास से उसे कहा, ‘क्यों? मैं तो याचक की कन्या हूँ! राजा की कन्या पुरोहितकन्या की दासी भला कैसे हो सकती है? शर्मिष्ठा ने कहा, ‘मेरे दासी होने से, अगर मेरे हीनदीन ज्ञातिबांधव सुखी हो सकते है, तो दास्यत्व स्वीकार करने के लिये मैं तैयार हूँ’। तब देवयानी संतुष्ट हुई । बाद में इसका विवाह ययाति राजा से हुआ । शर्त की अनुसार, शर्मिष्ठा भी इसकी दासी बन कर, ययाति के यहॉं गयी [म.आ.७३.७५] ;[मत्स्य.२७-२९] । बाद में इसकी दासी बनी हुई शर्मिष्ठा को, ययाति से पुत्र उत्पन्न हुआ । तब यह क्रोधित हो कर, फिर एक बार अपने पिता के पास गयी । इस कारण शुक्र ने ययाति को शाप दिया ‘तुम वृद्ध बन जाओगे’। अन्त में ययाति के द्वारा बहुत प्रार्थना की जाने पर शुक्र ने उसे उःशाप दिया, ‘तुम अपना वार्धक्य तरुण पुरुष को दे सकोगे’। देवयानी को ययाति से यदु तथा तुर्वसु नामक दो पुत्र हुएँ थे [वायु. ९३.७७-७८] । किन्तु उन दोनों ने ययाति का वृद्धत्त्व स्वीकारना अमान्य कर दिया । ययाति ने उन दोनों को शाप दे दिया । रामायण में, देवयानी के केवल यदु नामक पुत्र का निर्देश आया है [वा.रा.उ.५८]


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
 noun  शुक्राचार्याची धूव   Ex. देवयानीचें लग्न ययाती कडेन जाल्लें
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  शुक्राचार्याची मुलगी   Ex. देवयानीचे लग्न ययातीशी झाले.
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
देव—यानी  f. f.N. of a daughter of उशनस् or शुक्राचार्य (wife of ययाति and mother of यदु and तुर्वसु), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Pur.]
देव यानी
   of a wife of स्कन्द, [RTL. 214.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
देवयानी [dēvayānī]  N. N. of the daughter of Śukra, preceptor of the Asuras. [She fell in love with Kacha, her father's pupil, but he rejected her advances. On this she cursed the youth, who in return cursed her that she should become the wife of a Kṣatriya (See कच.) Once upon a time Devayānī and her companion Śarmiṣṭhā, the daughter of Vṛiṣaparvan, the king of the Daityas, went to bathe keeping their clothes on the shore. But the god Wind changed their clothes, and when they were dressed they began to quarrel about the change until Śarmiṣṭhā, so far lost her temper that she, slapped Devayānī's face, and threw her into a well. There she remained until she was seen and rescued by Yayāti, who, with the consent of her father, married her, and Śarmiṣṭhā became her servant as a recompense for her insulting conduct towards her. Devayānī lived happily with Yayāti for some years and bore him two sons, Yadu and Turvasu. Subsequently her husband became enamoured of Śarmiṣṭhā, and Devayānī, feeling herself aggrieved, abruptly left her husband and went home to her father, who at her request condemned Yayāti with the infirmity of old age; see Yayāti also.]


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 noun  शुक्राचार्यस्य पत्नी।   Ex. देवयान्याः विवाहः ययातिना सह अभवत्।
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)

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