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   { dēhaliḥ }
Script: Devanagari


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
देहलिः [dēhaliḥ] ली [lī]   ली f. The threshold of a door, the sill or lower part of the wooden frame of a door; विन्यस्यन्ती भुवि गणनया देहलीदत्तपुष्पैः [Me.89;] [Mk.1.9.] -Comp.
-दीपः   a lamp suspended over the threshold; ˚न्याय see under न्याय.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
देहलि  f.  (-लिः or ली)
   1. The threshold of a door, the lower past of the wooden frame of a door, or a raised terrace in front of it.
   E. देह here said to imply plastering of cow-dung, &c. ला to have or get, affix कि or क, and ङीष् .
देह ला कि ङीष् .

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