धर्म्म mn. (-र्म्मः-र्म्मं) 1. Virtue, moral and religious merit, according to the law and the Vedas. 2. Usage, practice, the customary observances of caste, sect, &c. 3. Duty, especially that enjoined by the Vedas. 4. Fitness, propriety. 5. Nature, character, proper or natural state or disposition, 6. Innocence, innoxiousness. 7. Resemblance. 8. Any sacrifice. 9. An Upanishad or theological portion of a Veda. 10. Any peculiar or prescribed practice or duty; thus, giving alms, &c. is the dharma of a householder; administering justice, the dharma of a king; piety, that of a Brāhman; courage, that of a Kshetriya, &c. 11. Kind and virtuous speech or discourse. 12. Law. m. (-र्म्मः) 1. A name of YAMA, ruler of the lower regions, and judge of the dead. 2. A drinker of the juice of the acid asclepias, at certain sacrifices. 3. Virtue personified, born from the right breast of BRAMHĀ. 4. A bow. 5. Associating with the virtuous. 6. The fifteenth of the twenty-four jaina pontiffs of the present age. 7. A pious or virtuous man. 8. The bull of SIVA, a personification or type or virtue. E. धृ to maintain or support, &c. Unādi affix मन्, what supports all men. ध्रियते लोकोऽनेन, धरति लोकं वा .
ROOTS: धृ मन् ध्रियते लोकोऽनेन धरति लोकं वा .