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   { dhiṣṇya }
Script: Devanagari


धिष्ण्य II. n.  अग्नि धिष्ण्य ऐश्वर देखिये ।


 पु. स्कंध सोडून दहा अंगुळे बाहूचा जो प्रदेश तो ; घोड्याचा एक अवयव . - अश्वप १ . ६२ .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
धिष्ण्य  mfn. mfn. mindful, attentive, benevolent, liberal (अश्विन्s), [RV. i, 3, 2; 89, 4 &c.]
devout, pious (voice, hymn), x, 114, 9
धिष्ण्य  n. m. (f(). only, [RV. iv, 3, 6] ; n., [MBh. i, 7944] ) a sort of subordinate or side-altar (generally a heap of earth covered with sand on which the fire is placed, and of which 8 are enumerated, viz. besides the आग्नीध्रीय [in the आग्नीध्र] those in the सदस् [see s.v.] belonging to the होतृ, the मैत्रा-वरुण or प्र-शस्तृ, the ब्राह्मणाच्छंसिन्, the पोतृ, नेष्टृ and अच्छा-वाक; and the मार्जालीय), [Br.] ; [ŚrS.] &c. (cf.कॢप्त-) &c.
धिष्ण्य  m. m.N. of उशनस्i.e. the planet Venus, [L.] (cf.धिषण)
धिष्ण्य  n. n. site, place, abode, region, house, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] ; [Pur.] &c.
the seat of a god i.e. a quarter of the sky, [VP.]
star, asterism (looking like the fire on the side altars), [Var.]
the orb of an asterism (on which its light seems to centre), [MBh.] ; [VP.]
power, strength, [L.]
धिष्ण्य  mfn. mfn. placed upon a mound of earth serving as an altar, [AV.] ; [Br.] &c.
धिष्ण्य  m. m. (with or scil.अग्नि) a fire so placed, [VS.] ; [TS.] &c.


धिष्ण्य [dhiṣṇya] a.  a. Ved.
To be praised or meditated upon.
Worthy of a high place.
Mindful, attentive.
Benevolent, liberal; धिष्ण्या वनतं गिरः [Rv.1.3.2.]
ष्ण्यः A place for the sacrificial fire; अमी वेदिं परितः क्लृप्त- धिष्ण्याः [Ś.4.8.]
 N. N. of Śukra, preceptor of the demons.
The planet Venus.
Power, strength.
ष्ण्यम् A seat, an abode, site, place, house; न भौमान्येव धिष्ण्यानि हित्वा ज्योतिर्मयान्यपि [R.15.59;] उदग्रधिष्ण्यं गगनेऽवगाढम् [Bu. Ch.1.2] ; विवेश धिष्ण्यं क्षितिपालकात्मजः 4.12.
A meteor.
Fire (m. also)
A star, an asterism; धिष्ण्यमाकाशगं यथा [Mb.5.184.6.]
A quarter of the sky (मण्डल); य एष दिवि धिष्ण्येन नाकं व्याप्नोति तेजसा [Mb.1.171.6.] -Comp.
-अधिपतिः, -पः   The guardian of a quarter of the sky; [bhāg.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
धिष्ण्य  n.  (-ष्ण्यं)
1. A place, a spot, a country.
2. A house.
3. A star, an asterism.
4. Fire.
5. Power. strength.
 m.  (-ष्ण्यः) A name of AGNI, the deity of fire.
2. A name of SUKRA, regent of VENUS.
E. धृष् to be proud or overbearing, deriv. irr.; or more correctly. धृष-ण्य-नि० the word is also written धिष्ट्य or धिष्ठ्य .
धृष् धृष-ण्य-नि० धिष्ट्य धिष्ठ्य .

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