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   { nārāyaṇasthāna }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
NĀRĀYAṆASTHĀNA   (ŚĀLAGRĀMATĪRTHA). A sacred place where Mahāviṣṇu is always present. Brahmā, Devas, Sannyāsins, Ādityas, Vasus. and Rudras are also ever present here in the service of Viṣṇu. Viṣṇu is called. Śālagrāma as he is being thus worshipped at Śālagrāma. Those who visit the place will enjoy the fruits of Aśvamedha yajña and ascend to Vaikuṇṭha. [Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 115] .

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