Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नाराशंस  mfn. mf(ई॑)n. (fr.न॑रा-शं॑स) relating to the praise of a man or men, laudatory, eulogistic (as a hymn, tale &c.), [TS.] ; [Br.] ; [Yājñ.] &c.
   relating or sacred to अग्निनरा-शं॑स (applied to the सोम, [RV.] ; to a ऋच्, [TBr.] &c.)
नाराशंस  m. m.N. of partic.सोम libations, [VS.] ; [TBr.] &c.
नाराशंस  m. m. pl. of a class of पितृs or Manes, ib.
नाराशंस  n. n. a tale or legend in honour of liberal men, [L.]
नाराशंस  m. m. (also) a सोम vessel.

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