नि-°वेशन mfn. mf(ई)n. entering (
ifc. ),
[Hariv.] (
fr. Caus. ) bringing to rest, providing with a resting-place,
[RV.] ;
[TS.] ;
[AV.] नि-°वेशन m. m.N. of a
[Hariv.] नि-°वेशन f. n. (
ifc. f(आ). ) entering, entrance into (
comp. ),
[RV.] ;
[Kauś.] नि-°वेशन n. n. going or bringing to rest,
[MBh.] ;
[Hariv.] (
°नं-√ कृ, to settle, encamp; [
सैन्य-] encampment of an army)
putting down (the feet),
[Śatr.] introducing, employing,
[Sāh.] fixing, impressing,
[Sarvad.] cultivating, populating (of a land, a desert &c.),
[R.] ;
[Kām.] founding a household, marrying, marriage,
[BhP.] hiding or dwelling-place of any kind, nest, lair, camp, house, home,
[RV.] &c. &c.