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   { nūnam }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नूनम्  n. ind. now, at present, just, immediately, at once
   for the future
   now then, therefore
कदा न्°   (esp. in later lang.) certainly, assuredly, indeed (also in questions e.g., when indeed? क्व न्°, where indeed?), [RV.] ; &c.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नूनम् [nūnam]   ind. Certainly, assuredly, surely, verily, indeed; अद्यापि नूनं हरकोपवह्निस्त्वयि ज्वलत्यौर्व इवाम्बुराशौ [Ś.3.3;] [Me.9,18,46;] [Bh.1.11;] [Ku.1.12;5.75;] [R.1.29.]
   Most probably, in all probability; नूनं त्वया परिभवं च वनं च घोरम् (अवाप्य) [U.4.23.]
   Ved. Now, just now, just.
   In future.
   Now, then, therefore. -Comp.
-भावः   probability. -भावात्ind. probably; नूनभावात्तु पश्यामि प्रत्यादेशमिवात्मनः [Mb.3.] 2.12 (v. l.).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नूनम्   ind.
   1. Certainly, assuredly.
   2. A particle of doubt or delibera- [Page407-a+ 60] tion.
   3. A reminiscent particle.
   4. An expletive.
   E. नू a particle, नम् to bow or bend, aff. विच् deriv. irr. or नु + ऊन-मि .
नू नम् विच् नु + ऊन-मि .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : खलु

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