परि-वर्त a-वर्तक &c. See परिवृत्, p.601. परि-वर्त m. bm. revolving, revolution (of a planet &c.), [Sūryas.] a period or lapse or expiration of time (esp. of a युगq.v. ), [MBh.] ; [R.] &c. लोकानाम् (with ) the end of the world, [R.] a year, [L.] moving to and fro, stirring, [Prasannar.] turning back, flight, [L.] परी-व्° change, exchange, barter (also ), [Yājñ.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. requital, return, [W.] an abode, spot, place, [Hariv.] a chapter, section, book &c., [Lalit.] N. of a son of दुः-सह (son of मृत्यु), [MārkP.] परी-व्° of the कूर्म or 2nd incarnation of विष्णु (also ), [L.]