Dictionaries | References


   { piṇḍa }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : शरीर, पिंड, पिंड, पिंड


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
 noun  ठोस गोलो वा कुनै गोलो पदार्थ   Ex. खगोल शास्त्रीले खगोलीय पिण्डको अध्ययन गर्दै छन्
वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
bdदुलुर मुवा
kasاجرامِ فلکی
malആകാശ പിണ്ഡം
telగోళాకారపు వస్తువు
urdاجرام , اجسام
   See : ग्रह


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पिण्ड  n. m. (rarely n.) any round or roundish mass or heap, a ball, globe, knob, button, clod, lump, piece (cf.अयः-., मांस- &c.), [RV.] (only i, 162, 19 and here applied to lumps of flesh), [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] &c. &c.
   a roundish lump of food, a bite, morsel, mouthful
   (esp.) a ball of rice or flour &c. offered to the पितृs or deceased ancestors, a श्राद्ध oblation ([RTL. 293; 298-310] ), [GṛŚrS.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   food, daily bread, livelihood, subsistence, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   any solid mass or material object, the body, bodily frame, [Ragh.] ; [Śaṃk.] ; [Vajracch.]
   the calf of the leg, [Mālatīm. v, 16]
   the flower of a China rose, [L.]
   a portico or partic. part of a house, [L.]
   power, force, an army, [L.]
पिण्ड  m. m. (du.) the fleshy parts of the shoulder situated above the collar-bone, [MBh.]
   (du.) the two projections of an elephant's frontal sinus, [L.]
   the embryo in an early stage of gestation, [L.]
   a partic. kind of incense, [Var.] (‘myrrh’ or ‘olibanum’ [L.] )
   meat, flesh, [L.]
-पात   alms, [Mālatīm.] (cf. below)
   Vangueriya Spinosa, [L.]
   quantity, collection, [L.]
   (in arithm.) sum, total amount
   (in astron.) a sine expressed in numbers
   (in music) a sound, tone
नडादि   N. of a man g.
पिण्ड  n. n. ([L.] ) iron
   fresh butter


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पिण्ड [piṇḍa] a.  a. (-ण्डी f.) [पिण्ड्-अच्]
   Solid (घन).
   Compact, dense, close.
   ण्डः, ण्डम् A round mass, ball, globe; as in अयःपिण्डः, नेत्रपिण्डः &c.
   A lump, clod (of earth &c.).
   A round lump of food, morsel, mouthful; स न्यस्तशस्त्रो हरये स्वदेहमुपानयत् पिण्डमिवामिषस्य [R. 2.59.]
   A ball or lump of rice offered to the Manes at obsequial ceremonies or Śrāddhas; नूनं मत्तः परं वंश्याः पिण्डविच्छेददर्शिनः । न प्रकामभुजः श्राद्धे स्वधासंग्रहतत्पराः । [R.1.66;] 8.26; [Ms.3.216;9.132,136,14;] [Y.1.159.]
   Food in general; सफलीकृतभर्तृपिण्डः [M.5.] 'who was true to his master's salt'.
   Livelihood, sustenance, subsistence; पिण्डार्थमायस्यतः [Mu.3.14.]
   Alms; पिण्डपातवेला [Māl.2.]
   Flesh, meat.
   The fœtus or embryo in an early stage of gestation.
   The body, corporeal frame; एकान्तविध्वंसिषु मद्विधानां पिण्डेष्वनास्था खलु भौतिकेषु [R.2.57.]
   A heap, collection, multitude.
   The calf of the leg; [Māl.5.16.]
   A round button.
   Anything round, thick, gross or solid.
   An object in general.
   A particular part of a house.
   (In astr.) A sine expressed in numbers.
   The twenty-fourth part of the quadrant of a circle.
   The frontal sinus of an elephant or its projection.
   A portico or shed in front of the door.
   Incense, frank-incense.
   (In arith.) Sum, total, amount.
   (In geom.) Thickness.
   The flower of a China rose.
   ण्डम् Power, strength, might.
   Fresh butter.
   An army.
   Water; L. D. B. -Comp
-अक्षर a.  a. containing a conjunct consonant. -अन्वाहार्यa. to be eaten after the funeral rice-ball has been offered to the manes; पिण्डान्वाहार्यकं श्राद्धं कुर्यान्मासानुमासिकम् [Ms.3.122.]
-अन्वाहार्यकम्   a meal in honour of the manes.
-अभ्रम्   hail.
-अयसम्   steel.
-अलक्तकः   a red dye.
-अशनः, -आशः, -आशकः, -आशिन्  m. m. a beggar.-उदकक्रिया an oblation of obsequial rice-balls and water to the deceased.
-उद्धरणम्   participating in funeral offerings.
-गोसः   gum myrrh.
-तैलम्, -तैलकः   incense.
-द   a.
   one who gives food, one who supplies with bread or with any other means of subsistence; श्वा पिण्डदस्य कुरुते गजपुङ्गवस्तु धीरं विलोकयति चाटुशतैश्च भुङ्क्ते [Bh.2.31.]
   one who is qualified to give the funeral rice-balls to deceased ancestors; [Y.2.132.]
   (दः) the nearest male relation who offers the funeral rice-ball.
   a master, patron.
-दा   a mother
   दानम् presentation of the obsequial rice-balls.
   the funeral oblation made to deceased ancestors on the day of new-moon.
-निर्वपणम्   presenting obsequial riceballs to the manes; अनयैवावृता कार्यं पिण्डनिर्वपणं सुतैः [Ms.3.] 248,261.
-निवृत्तिः   cessation of relationship (by श्राद्ध oblation).
-पदम्   a particular अङ्कभेद in Astronomy; Śabda Chi.
-पातः   giving alms; [Māl.1.]
-पातिकः   one who lives on alms.
-पादः, -पाद्यः   an elephant.
-पितृयज्ञः   the oblation to deceased ancestors on the evening of new moon.
   पुष्पः the Aśoka tree.
   the China rose.
   the pomegranate.
   (पुष्पम्) the blossom of the Asoka tree.
   the flower of Chinarose.
   a lotus.-भाज् a. receiving or entitled to a share in the funeral rice-ball. -m. (pl.) the deceased ancestors or manes; अहो दुष्यन्तस्य संशयमारूढाः पिण्डभाजः [Ś.6.]
-भृतिः  f. f. livelihood, means of subsistence.
-मूलम्, -मूलकम्   a carrot.-यज्ञः the presentation of the obsequial rice-balls to the deceased ancestors; पिण्डयज्ञावृता देयं प्रेतायान्नं दिनत्रयम् [Y.3.16.]
-लेपः   fragments of the obsequial rice-balls which cling to the hand; (these are presented to the three ancestors immediately preceding the great-grand father).
   लोपः interruption in offering the funeral rice-balls (as the failure of issue).
   neglect in offering the funeral rice-balls (to the deceased ancestors).
-विषमः   one of the ways of embezzlement namely inconsistency in dealing with fixed items; [Kau.A.2.] 8.26.
-शर्करा   sugar prepared from Yavanāla.
-संबन्धः   relationship between a living person and one deceased such as is sufficiently near to qualify the former to offer the obsequial rice-ball to the latter.
-स्वेदः   a hot poultice.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पिण्ड  mn.  (-ण्डः-ण्डं) A lump, a heap, a cluster, a quantity or collec- tion.
  mf.  (-ण्डः-ण्डी) An oblation to deceased ancestors as a ball or lump of meat, or rice, mixed up with milk, curds, flowers, &c. and offered to the manes at the several Shrāddhas. by the nearest surviving relations.
  m.  (-ण्डः)
   1. A ball, a globe.
   2. A mouthful, or roundish lump of food, considered as equivalent to a mouthful.
   3. Presenting water or cake to a deceased relation.
   4. The body.
   5. The side immediately below the armpit.
   6. A part of a house; a sort of portico or shed, in front of the door.
   7. Coarse, gross, thick, solid.
   8. Strength, power.
   9. Myrrh.
   10. Franki- [Page450-a+ 60] ncense.
   11. The China rose.
   12. Food.
   13. Flesh, meat.
   14. The projection of an elephant's frontal sinus.
   15. The embryo or fetus in an early stage of gestation.
   16. A sum, (in arith- metic.)
   17. Thickness, (In geometry.)
   18. (In astronomy,) The twenty-fourth part of the quadrant of a circle, or 30-45’.
  n.  (-ण्डं)
   1. Livelihood, means, means of living.
   2. Iron.
   3. Fresh butter.
   4. Power, strength.
   5. An army.
  f.  (-ण्डी)
   1. A long gourd, (Cucurbita lagenaria.)
   2. A sort of palm, (Phœnix dactyli- fera.)
   3. A flowering shrub, (Tabernæmontana coronaria flor. plen.)
   4. Performance of certain gesticulations, accompanying the silent repetition of prayers, &c. in meditation on real or divine knowledge.
   5. The nave of a wheel.
   6. A house.
   7. Solid, compact, close.
   8. The calf of the leg.
   9. A round mass.
   E. पिडि to heap, to gather, to collect, &c. aff. अच् fem. aff. ङीप् .
पिडि अच् ङीप् .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : घन

Related Words

आकाशीय पिण्ड   खगोलीय पिण्ड   पिण्ड   गोचर-पिण्ड   श्राद्ध पिण्ड   नेत्र-पिण्ड   प्रेत पिण्ड   heavenly body   celestial body   ಖಗೋಳದ ಗುಂಡು   खगोलीयपिण्डः   सानखरांनि दुलुरमुवा   आकाशगोल   آسمٲنی سَیارٕ   வானவியல் உருண்டை   ఖగోళం   অন্তরীক্ষীয় পিণ্ড   উজ্জ্বল পিণ্ড   ਖੰਗੋਲੀ ਪਿੰਡ   ଖଗୋଳୀୟ ପିଣ୍ଡ   ખગોળીય પિંડ   ആകാശ മണ്ഡല പിണ്ടം   खगोलीय पिंड   major planet   planet   body   solid   organic structure   physical structure   अनुपिण्डम्   पिण्डाग्र   प्रतिपिण्डम्   खर्जूरिका   आकाश पिंड   पिण्डदा   पितृपङ्क्तिविधान   पैण्डायन   स्थौलपिण्डि   प्रेतशिला   सहपिण्डक्रिया   सापिण्डि   पिण्डवीज   पिण्डश   पिण्डाभ्र   पिण्डायस   प्रेतपिण्डभुज्   एकपिण्ड   एकपिण्डता   वसुरूप   तर्कुक   डिम्मा   निशापुत्र   पिण्डखर्ज्जूर   पिण्डगोस   पिण्डनिर्वपन   पिण्डफला   पिण्डात   पिण्डाल   हृत्पिण्ड   पृथक्पिण्ड   ग्रहण लाग्नु   अवपिण्डित   दशपिण्डश्राद्ध   द्वारपिण्डी   पिण्डपाद   पिण्डपुष्पक   पिण्डमात्रोपजीविन्   पिण्डमुस्ता   पिण्डाश   पिण्डीशूर   अन्वाहार्यक   टॉन्सिल   नेत्रपिण्ड   पिण्डमूल   पिण्डस   पिण्डीकरण   पिण्डीकृत   पिण्डीभूत   पिण्डोद्धरण   परपिण्ड   पैण्डिन्य   मसिन   सापिण्ड्य   असपिण्ड   तर्कुपिण्ड   पिण्डतर्कक   cake   खगोलीय क्षेत्र   सपिण्ड   टन्सिल   ढुङ्गो   रक्तपिण्ड   पिण्डद   पिण्डदान   पिण्डपुष्प   पिण्डल   पिण्डार   पिण्डिन्   पिण्डिल   पिण्डी   
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