सपिण्ड m. (-ण्डः) A kinsman, especially one connected by the offering of the funeral cake to either or all of the manes of the father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, and their wives respectively, as sprung from them in directly collateral lines; the relationship stops with every fourth person, as the fifth cannot perform the offer- ing of a cake to the father even of the deceased. The following are enumerated as Sapiṇḍās:--the son, son's son, and son's grandson; [Page759-b+ 60] widow, daughter and daughter's son; the father, the mother, the brother, brother's son, and brother's grandson; father's daughter's son; father's brother's son and grandson; paternal grandfather's daughter's son; paternal grandfather; paternal grandmother, paternal grandfather's brother, brother's son and grandson; and lastly the great grandfather's daughter's son: these all present oblations in which the deceased is either included, or may participate: other enumerations, including the oblations he was bound to offer, &c. extend the connection of Sapiṇḍa to seven persons both in an ascending or descending line. E. स for ससान common, and पिण्ड ball of meat, &c., offered to the manes of the deceased ancestors, at the Śrāddhas performed in honour of them.