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   { pitṛ(s), pitṛ }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
PITṚ(S)   Pitṛs are a set of demigods. From Manuprajāpati, son of Brahmā, were born the Saptarṣis like Marīci and they in turn created the Pitṛs. Besides Marīci and his set many others like Virāṭ Puruṣa and Brahmā have created Pitṛs. Some Purāṇas state that Pitṛs are of daily creation. Brahmā in the beginning created three sets of Pitṛs with form and four with brightness making thus seven sets. The three sets of bodied pitṛs are Agniṣvāttas, Barhiṣadas and Somapās and the four bright ones are Yama, Anala, Soma and Aryaman [10th Skandha, Devī Bhāgavata] . “Manor hairaṇyagarbhasya ye marīcyādayaḥ sutāḥ / Teṣāmṛṣīṇāṁ sarveṣām putrāḥ pitṛgaṇāḥ smṛtāḥ” // [Śloka 194, Chapter 8, Manusmṛti] . Pitṛs (manes) are classified into two types: The Agniṣvāttas and Barhiṣadas. Of these the Agniṣvāttas do not perform Yāgas and the Barhiṣadas are those who perform yāgas. Besides these two major divisions they are classified into many other groups as follows: 1. Somasadasya (s). Virāṭ Puruṣa is the creator of these Pitṛs. Somasadasyas are the Pitṛs of Sādhyadevas. 2. Agniṣvātta (s). They are the pitṛs of devas. 3. Barhiṣadas. These Pitṛs are the creation of the sage Atri. They are the manes of daityas, dānavas, yakṣas, gandharvas, uragas (serpents), rākṣasas (demons), suvarṇas and kinnaras. 4. Somapā (s). They are the sons of the sage Bhṛgu and are the manes of brahmins. 5. Havirbhuk (s). The sage Aṅgiras is the father of these Pitṛs who are the manes of Kṣatriyas. 6. Ājyapā (s). These are the sons of the sage Pulastya and are the manes of Vaiśyas. 7. Sukālika (s). Sons of the sage Vasiṣṭha, these Pitṛs are the manes of the Śūdras. To the seven sages like Marīci were born the pitṛs and to the pitṛs were born the devāsuras (devas and asuras) and to the devāsuras were born everything else in this universe, animate and inanimate. [Chapter 3, Manusmṛti] . Performing a Śrāddha (offering obsequial oblations to the departed) is just like a yajña. The oblations should be offered in either silver or silver cum copper pots. Viśvadevas are the guardians of the pitṛs. Therefore the oblations should be offered after worshipping the Viśvadevas first and then the pitṛs and then Viṣṇu. (See under Śrāddha).


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : पितर


पितृ n.  दक्षकन्या स्वधा का पति । इसें ‘पितर’ नामांतर भी प्राप्त है (पितर देखिये) ।


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पितृ  m. m. (irreg. acc.pl.पितरस्, [MBh.] ; gen.pl.पितॄणाम्, [BhP.] ) a father, [RV.] &c. &c. (in the वेदN. of बृहस्-पति, वरुण, प्रजा-पति, and esp. of heaven or the sky; अन्तरा पितरं मातरं च, ‘between heaven and earth’ [RV. x, 88, 15] )
पितृ  m. m. du. (°तरौ) father and mother, parents, [RV.] &c. &c. (in the वेदN. of the अरणिs [q.v.] and of heaven and earth)
°तरस्   () the fathers, forefathers, ancestors, (esp.) the पितृs or deceased ancestors (they are of 2 classes, viz. the deceased father, grandfathers and great-grandfathers of any partic. person, and the progenitors of mankind generally; in honour of both these classes rites called श्राद्धs are performed and oblations called पिण्डs [q.v.] are presented; they inhabit a peculiar region, which, according to some, is the भुवस् or region of the air, according to others, the orbit of the moon, and are considered as the regents of the नक्षत्रs मघा and मूल; cf.[RTL. 10 &c.] ), [RV.] &c. &c.
   a father and his brothers, father and uncles, paternal ancestors, [Mn. ii, 151 &c.] ; [R.] ; [Kathās.]
   a partic. child's-demon, [Suśr.]
पितृ   [Origin fr.3.पा very doubtful; cf.Zd.pita; Gk.πατήρ; Lat.pater, Jup-piter; Goth.fadar; Germ.Vater; Eng.father.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पितृ [pitṛ]  m. m. [पाति रक्षति, पा-तृच् नि˚] A father; तेनास लोकः पितृमान् विनेत्रा [R.14.23;1.24;11.67.]
-रौ   (dual) Parents, father and mother; जगतः पितरौ वन्दे पार्वतीपरमे- श्वरौ [R.1.1;] [Y.2.117.]
-रः   (pl.)
   Fore-fathers, ancestors, fathers; नूनं प्रसूतिविकलेन मया प्रसिक्तं धौताश्रुशेष- मुदकं पितरः पिबन्ति [Ś.6.24.]
   Paternal ancestors taken collectively; अध्यापयामास पितॄन् शिशुराङ्गिरसः कविः [Ms.2.151.]
   The Manes; [R.2.16;3.2;] पितॄणामर्यमा चास्मि [Bg. 1.29;] [Ms.3.81,192.] -Comp.
-अर्जित a.  a. acquired by a father, paternal (as property).
-कर्मन्  n. n.,
-कार्यम्, -कृत्यम्, -क्रिया   oblations or sacrifice offerd to deceased ancestors, obsequial rites; स्वधाकारः परा ह्याशीः सर्वेषु पितृकर्मसु [Ms.3.252.]
   कल्पः performance of the Śrāddha ceremony in honour of the Manes.
   Brahma's day of new moon.
-काननम्   a cemetery; अभ्यभावि भरताग्रजस्तया वात्य- येव पितृकाननोत्थया [R.11.16.]
-कुल्या  N. N. of a river rising in the Malaya mountain.
-क्षयः   the death anniversary; आनन्त्याय भवेद् दत्तं खड्गमांसं पितृक्षये [Mb.13.88.1.]
   गणः the whole body of ancestors taken collectively.
   a class of Manes or deceased progenitors who were sons of the Prajāpati; मनोर्हैरण्यगर्भस्य ये मरीच्यादयः सुताः । तेषा- मृषीणां सर्वेषां पुत्राः पितृगणाः स्मृताः ॥ विराट्सुताः सोमसदः साध्यानां पितरः स्मृताः । अग्निष्वात्ताश्च देवानां मारीचा लोकविश्रुताः ॥ [Ms.3.] 194-195.
-गणा  N. N. of of Durgā.
-गामिन् a.  a. devolving on, or belonging to a father.
   मन्दिरम् a paternal mansion.
   a cemetery.-मेधः a sacrifice offered to the Manes, obsequial offerings; गुरोः प्रेतस्य शिष्यस्तु पितृमेधं समाचरन् [Ms.5.65;] [Mb.16.7.23.]
   यज्ञः obsequial offerings.
   offering libations of water every day to the deceased ancestors, it is one of the five daily Yajñas enjoined to be performed by a Brāhmaṇa; पितृयज्ञस्तु तर्पणम् [Ms.3.1;] also 122,283.
-यानम्   the way of the Manes (to their world).
-राज्  m. m.,
-राजः, -राजन्  m. m. an epithet of Yama.
-रूपः   an epithet of Siva.
-लोकः   the world of the Manes.
-वंशः   the paternal family.
   वनम् a cemetery; वसन् पितृवने रौद्रे शौचे वर्तितुमिच्छसि [Mb.12.111.9.]
   death, the abode of death; सर्वे पितृवनं प्राप्य स्वपन्ति विगतज्वराः [Mb.11.3.5.] (पितृवनेचरः
   a demon, goblin.
   an epithet of Śiva).
-वसतिः  f. f.,
-सद्मन्  n. n. a cemetery; त्रिलोकनाथः पितृसद्मगोचरः [Ku.5.77.]
-वासरपर्वन्   the period of performing the obsequious rites for the Manes; Gaṇeśa [P.2.]
-व्रतः   a worshipper of the Manes. (-तम्) obsequial rites.
-श्राद्धम्   obsequial rites in honour of a father or deceased ancestor.
-स्वसृ  f. f. (also पितृष्वसृ as well as पितुः स्वसृ or पितुःष्वसृ) a father's sister; [Ms.2.131.]
-ष्वस्रीयः   a paternal aunt's son. -संनिभःa. fatherly, paternal.
   सूः a paternal grandmother.
   evening twilight.
-स्थानः, -स्थानीयः   a guardian (who is in the place of a father).
-नम्   The abode of death; see पितृवन; आनिन्यथुः पितृस्थानाद् गुरवे गुरुदक्षिणाम् [Bhāg.1.85.32.]
-हत्या   parricide.
-हन्  m. m. a parricide.-हू m. the right ear; पितृहूर्नृप पुर्या द्वार्दक्षिणेन पुरञ्जनः [Bhāg.4.25.5.]
   गृहम् a paternal mansion.
   a cemetery, burial-ground.
-घातकः, -घातिन्, -घ्नः  m. m. a parricide.
   तर्पणम् an oblation to the Manes.
   the act of throwing water out of the right hand (as at the time of ablutions) as an offering to the Manes or deceased ancestors; नित्यं स्नात्वा शुचिः कुर्याद् देवर्षिपितृतर्पणम् [Ms.2.176.]
   gifts given at Srāddhas or funeral rites.
   the part of the hand between the thumb and the fore-finger (sacred to the Manes).
-तिथिः  f. f. the day of new-moon (अमावास्या).
   तीर्थम् N. of the place called Gayā where the performance of funeral rites, such as Srāddhas in honour of the Manes, is held to be particularly meritorious.
   the part of the hand between the fore-finger and the thumb (considered to be sacred to the Manes).
-त्रयम्   father, grand-father and great grand-father.
-दत्त a.  a. given by a father (as a woman's peculiar property).
-दानम्   an offering to the Manes.-दायः patrimony.
-दिनम्   the day of new-moon (अमावास्या).
-देव   a.
   worshipping a father.
   relating to the worship of the Manes. (-वाः) the divine Manes.
   presided over by the Manes.
   relating to the worship of the Manes. (-तम्) N. of the tenth lunar mansion (मघा).
-दे(दै)वत्य a.  a. belonging to the worship of the Manes. (-त्यम्) a sacrifice offered to the Manes on the day called अष्टका; अष्टकापितृदेवत्यमित्ययं प्रसृतो जनः [Rām.2.18.14.]
-द्रव्यम्   patrimony; पितृद्रव्याविरोधेन यदन्यत् स्वयमर्जितम् [Y.2.118.]
   पक्षः the paternal side, paternal relationship.
   a relative by the father's side.
   'the fortnight of the Manes'; N. of the dark half of Bhādrapada which is particularly appointed for the celebration of obsequial rites to the Manes.
-पतिः   an epithet of Yama.
-पितृ  m. m. a paternal grandfather.
-पुत्रौ (पिता-पुत्रौ   dual) father and son. (पितुः पुत्रः means 'the son of a well-known and renowned father').
-पूजनम्   worship of the manes; पतिव्रता धर्म- पत्नी पितृपूजनतत्परा [Ms.3.262.]
-पैतामह a.  a. (-ही f.) inherited from ancestors, ancestral, hereditary. (-हाः pl.) ancestors.
-प्रसूः  f. f.
   a paternal grand-mother.
   evening twilight; तारावलीराजतबिन्दुराजत् पितृप्रसूभासुरपत्रपाश्यः, वियद्द्विपस्तिष्ठति [Rām. Ch.6.38.]
   inherited from a father.
   inherited patrimonially.
-बन्धुः   a kinsman by the father's side; they are: पितुः पितुःस्वसुः पुत्राः पितुर्मातुःस्वसुः सुताः । पितुर्मातुलपुत्राश्च विज्ञेयाः पितृबन्धवः ॥ (न्धुम् n.) relationship by the father's side.
-भम्   The Maghā star; Śabda Ch.
-भक्त a.  a. dutifully attached to a father. भक्तिः f. filial duty.
-भोजनम्   food offered to the Manes.
-भ्रातृ  m. m. a father's brother, paternal uncle.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पितृ  m.  (-ता) A father, dual, (-रौ) Mother and father, parents. plu. always, (-रः)
   1. Paternal ancestors.
   2. The manes, or the deceased and deified progenitors of mankind, inhabiting a peculiar region or heaven, or according to some, the orbit of the moon.
   E. पा to nourish, Unādi aff. तृच्.
पा तृच्

Related Words

पितृ   पितृ ऋण   पितृ पक्ष   father fixation   parental tree   पितरि   पितुः   पित्र्   पैतृ   हूय   प्रेतपक्षक   सपितृराजन्य   अपितृदेवत्य   father figure   पितृकर्म्मन्   पितृकार्य्य   पितृग्राम   पितृपीत   पितृहूय   पितॄक्थ   सोमाधार   स्वधाभाजिन्   स्वधाशन   पितृपितृ   सपितृक   श्राद्धकर्तृ   father plant   त्वकत्पितृक   मातरपितृ   यमश्रेष्ठ   पंचपितर   पितृकर्मन्   पितृक्रिया   पितृघातक   पितृसन्निभ   पित्र्युपवीत   पैतृमेधिक   पैत्र्य   स्वधायिन्   स्वस्वध   पितृकानन   paternal   शाकाष्टका   व्यपदेशवत्   अनपहतपाप्मन्   आजेलीं नात्रं, बाळंतेलि बोत्रं, म्हाळांतुलिं पित्रं, हांकांलेकचि ना   दक्षसुत   लीवत्पितृक   योगा   पितदैवत   पितुःपुत्र   पितृगामिन्   पितृतस्   पितृपद   पितृबान्धव   पितृभ्रातृ   पितृमन्दिर   पितृमू   पितृवाक्पर   पितृश्राद्ध   पितृसामान्य   पितृस्वस्रीय   पितृहन्   पित्राद्यन्त   पूरकपिण्ड   पूर्वप्रेत   पैत्रिक्   प्रेतपक्ष   पितृक   पितृत्व   श्राद्धकर   papa   रेतोधस्   भोगीन   पितृपात्र   पितृभक्ति   पितृमेध   पितृवन   पितृवसति   पैतृकष्वसेय   पैतृस्वस्रीय   उद्धरित   श्राद्धदेवता   अधिष्ठानदेह   अधिष्ठानशरीर   parricidal   चतुर्मेध   पितृगृह   पितृदान   पितृपति   पितृप्राप्त   पितृभोजन   पितृयज्ञ   पितृव्रत   पितृष्वसृ   पितृस्थान   पूर्वदेव   पैत्राहोरात्र   सुकालिन्   सोमसद्   
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