पूर r. 4th cl.
(ई) पूरी (पूर्य्यते)1. To satisfy.
2. To fill.
3. To be satisfied. 4. To be full.
दिवा० आत्म० सक० सेट् .r. 10th cl. (
1. To satisfy.
2. To fill out.
3. To fill with wind, to blow.
4. To cover, to surround.
5. To fill with sound, to make resonant.
6. To inten- sify, to strengthen.
चु० उभ० सक० सेट् .With
आ1. To fill, to make full.
2. To blow.
3. To cover, to envelop, to entertwine. With
परि To fill completely.
प्र,1. To fill.
2. To enrich, to load with riches.
सम, To fill.
पूर mfn. subst. (
-रः-रा-रं) A sort of unleavened cake, fried with Ghee or oil.
m. (
1. A piece of water, a large quantity of water, a lake.
2. The healing or cleansing of ulcers.
3. Making content, satisfying.
4. Filling.
5. Supply.
6. Swelling of a river or the sea.
7. A stream, a flood.
n. (
-रं) A kind of incense. Adj. (
-रः-रा-रं) Full, filled.
E. पूर् to fill,
क aff.