Dictionaries | References प पूर { pūrḥ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पूर कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani Konkani | | See : हुंवार Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पूर A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | A town or city. Usually in comp. as कोल्हापूर, पंढरपूर. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पूर Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English | | m A Flood. Exuberance. A town or city. Usually in com. as कोल्हापूर, पंढरपूर. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पूर मराठी पर्यायी शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | ना. पाण्याचा लोंढा , पातळी वाढणे ( पाण्याची ), वर चढणे ( प्रवाहाचे पाणी ); ना. विपुलता , वृद्धी , समृद्धी . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पूर मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi Marathi | | noun नदी इत्यादिस होणारी पाण्याची अतिशय वृद्धी Ex. अतिवृष्टीमुळे आसामात नेहमीच पूर येतो ONTOLOGY:प्राकृतिक घटना (Natural Event) ➜ घटना (Event) ➜ निर्जीव (Inanimate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun) SYNONYM:लोटWordnet:asmবান bdबाना gujપૂર hinबाढ़ kanವೃದ್ಧಿ kasسٕہَلاب kokहुंवार malവെള്ളപ്പൊക്കം mniꯏꯆꯥꯎ nepबाढी oriବଢ଼ି panਹੜ sanजलप्लावनम् telవరద urdسیلاب , باڑھ Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पूर A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | पूर mfn. mfn. (√ पॄ, Caus.) filling, making full (cf.पाणि-)काम fulfilling, satisfying (cf.-)पूर m. m. the act of filling, fulfilling &c., [Kāv.] ; [Pur.] the swelling or rising of a river or of the sea, a large quantity of water, flood, stream (also met. = abundance, high degree, esp.ifc.), [Kāv.] ; [Suśr.] &c.घृत a cake, [R.] (cf.-)पूरक a kind of breath-exercise = below, [BhP.] पूरण the cleansing of a wound, [L.] (cf.)बीज-पूर the citron tree (= ), [L.] ROOTS:बीज पूरपूर n. n. a kind of incense, [L.] bdellium, [L.] पूर mfn. mf(आ)n. a sort of unleavened cake fried with ghee or oil, [W.] (cf.पूरिका below). Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पूर The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | पूरः [pūrḥ] [पूर्-क] Filling, making full; तमहमुपसृतानां कामपूरं नतोऽस्मि [Bhāg.8.13.47.] Satisfying, pleasing, making content. Pouring in, supplying; अतैलपूराः सुरतप्रदीपाः [Ku.1.1.] The swelling or rising of a river or of the sea, flood; महोदधेः पूर इवन्दुदर्शनात् [R.3.17.] A stream or flood in general; अम्बु˚, बाष्प˚, शोणित˚ &c. A piece of water, lake, pond. The healing or cleansing of wounds. A kind of cake. Drawing in breath slowly through the nose; प्राणापानौ संनिरुन्ध्यात् पूर- कुम्भकरेचकैः The citron tree.-रम् A kind of incense.-Comp.-आम्लम् the fruit of Spondias Magnifera; (Mar. आंबाडा).-उत्पीडः a flood or excess of water; पूरोत्पीडे तडागस्य परीवाहः प्रतिक्रिया [U.3.29.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पूर Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | पूर r. 4th cl. (ई) पूरी (पूर्य्यते) 1. To satisfy. 2. To fill. 3. To be satisfied. 4. To be full. दिवा० आत्म० सक० सेट् . r. 10th cl. (पूरयति-ते) 1. To satisfy. 2. To fill out. 3. To fill with wind, to blow. 4. To cover, to surround. 5. To fill with sound, to make resonant. 6. To inten- sify, to strengthen. चु० उभ० सक० सेट् . With आ 1. To fill, to make full. 2. To blow. 3. To cover, to envelop, to entertwine. With परि To fill completely. With प्र, 1. To fill. 2. To enrich, to load with riches. With सम, To fill.पूर mfn. subst. (-रः-रा-रं) A sort of unleavened cake, fried with Ghee or oil. m. (-रः) 1. A piece of water, a large quantity of water, a lake. 2. The healing or cleansing of ulcers. 3. Making content, satisfying. 4. Filling. 5. Supply. 6. Swelling of a river or the sea. 7. A stream, a flood. n. (-रं) A kind of incense. Adj. (-रः-रा-रं) Full, filled. E. पूर् to fill, क aff. ROOTS:पूर् क Related Words पूर जळाचा पूर हुंवार inundation घृत-पूर पिष्ट-पूर flood रोहिणी डाजे मृग गाजे आर्द्रा वाहे पूर, सहदेव कहे भाडळी घर घर वाजे तूर मुंगीला मुताचा पूर मुंगीस मुताचा पूर नाकांत पूर, डोळयांत धूर जलप्लावनम् बाढ़ बाढी سٕہَلاب বান ବଢ଼ି ਹੜ પૂર ವೃದ್ಧಿ വെള്ളപ്പൊക്കം अबब! केवढाहो नदीस पूर आला जाती जातीचें भांडण, रक्ताला पूर बाना বাণ धनी धजला, नौकर जागला, पैशाला पूर आला வெள்ளம் వరద alluvion deluge खर्च केला नाही कवडीचा, आणि प्रेतावर वाहे पूर रेवडीचा design flood year flood कविपूर्ण sheet flood flood basalt flood basin flood current flood frequency flood level ten year flood probable flood flood control आहुर flood plain meander scar tidal flood interval tidal flood strength अऊर वौर पूर्णि उवार अहूर fire and flud imergency fund flood plain बीजपुर bottom land वत्त कॅरी बुडती मुयेक मुताचो प्रसंग धांड्या दोंदावर दोंद येणें पासष्टएक पुरीदास पौरेय inundation canal natural levee उथव तैलपूर कट्टेंतलें उदक मुयेक समुद्र कट्ट्र्यांतु उधाक मुय्येक समुद्रु कर्णपूरण घृतवर वीजपूर वोतवर वोभण वोभाण झुकापुरी भैसान मोहली धरणीपूर पूरना borough उवेर उवेरी औदांडो औधांडो अंतरणे झांझी दासपूर बचावकर्ता ओर उभडणें दाशपुर जल अग्नि उपयोगी, पण वाढवितां नाश करिती डोईवरून पाणी जाणें पावसाळा सुपूर हिमालयावर पाऊस आणि सिंधमध्यें पीक हौर Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP