प्र-°करण n. n. production, creation,
[Hariv.] treatment, discussion, explanation
treatise, monograph, book, chapter (
esp. introduction or prologue),
[GṛŚrS.] ;
[MBh.] ;
[Sarvad.] a subject, topic, question, matter, occasion, opportunity,
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c.
अस्मिन्न् एव प्रक°रणे (, ‘on this occasion’ or ‘in this connection’
[MBh.] ;
न च प्रक°रणं वेत्सि, ‘nor do you know what is the matter’
[Kathās.] )
a kind of drama with a fictitious plot (such as,
[Mṛcch.] ;
[Mālatīm.] &c.),
[Sāh.] (
[IW. 471] )
treating with respect,
[W.] doing much or well,
ib.typical performance,
[ĀpY.] न्यायप्र्° N. of
wk. (
cf. )