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   { pragraha }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English
pragraha m S An eclipse.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
प्र-°ग्रह  f. m. (ifc.f(). ) holding in front, stretching forth, [MBh.]
प्र °ग्रह
°हं गतः   seizing, clutching, taking hold of (, seized, taken), ib.; [Hariv.]
शत्रोर् उत्तानपा-तनार्थम् पादाकर्षणम्   a partic. manner of fighting, [MBh.] (= , or = गल-हस्तकः, [Nīlak.] )
शत्रोर् उत्तानपा तनार्थम् पादाकर्षणम्
ग्रह   the seizure of the sun or moon, beginning of an eclipse (cf.), [Sūryas.]
friendly reception, kindness, favour, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.]
°हंगतः   obstinacy, stubbornness (, obstinate, stubborn), [MBh.]
a rein, bridle, [KaṭhUp.] ; [MBh.] &c.
a ray of light (like all words meaning ‘rein’ or ‘bridle’), [L.]
a rope, halter, cord, string, thong, [MBh.]
the cord or string suspending a balance, [L.]
a guide, leader, ruler (also as N. of विष्णु-कृष्ण), [MBh.]
a companion, satellite, ib.
binding, [L.]
taming, breaking (a horse), [L.]
the arm, [L.]
a species of plant, [Car.] (Cassis Fistula, [L.] )
-त्व  n. a vowel not subject to the rules of संधि, [TPrāt.] (n.Sch.; cf.1.प्र-गृह्य)
-होम   N. of a partic. sacrificial rite (also , KātyŚr. Sch.)
प्र-°ग्रह  f. mf()n. receiving, kind, hospitable (with सभाf. a hall of reception, an audience hall), [R.] (B.)
प्र °ग्रह
प्र-°ग्रह  mfn. mf()n. = ऊर्ध्वबाहु (?), [R.] Sch. (cf.प्र॑ञ्जलि-प्रग्र्°)
प्र °ग्रह


प्रग्रह [pragraha]   a.
Holding in front, stretching forth (hands); एवमुक्तस्तु मुनिना प्राञ्जलिः प्रग्रहो नृपः । अभ्यवादयत प्राज्ञः [Rām. 7.82.14.]
Seizing, taking.
हः Holding or stretching forth, holding out.
Laying hold of, taking, grasping, seizing; न हि मे मुच्यते कश्चित् कथञ्चित् प्रग्रहं गतः [Mb.3.179.16.]
The commencement of an eclipse.
(a) A rein, bridle; धृताः प्रग्रहाः अवतरत्वायुष्मान् [Ś.1;] [Śi.12.31.] (b) A whip, lash, scourge.
A check, restraint; यः प्रग्रहानुग्रहयोर्यथान्यायं विचक्षणः [Rām.2.1.25.]
Binding, confinement; सोऽस्माकं वैरपुरुषो दुर्मतिः प्रग्रहं गतः [Mb.12.7.33.]
A prisoner, captive.
Taming, breaking (as an animal).
A ray of light.
The string of a balance.
A vowel not subject to the rules of Sandhi or euphony; see प्रगृह्य.
 N. N. of Viṣṇu.
The arm.
A leader, guide.
Kindness, favour, a reward; अपराधं सहेताल्पं तुष्येदल्पेऽपि चोदये । महोप- कारं चाध्यक्षं प्रग्रहेणाभिपूजयेत् ॥ [Kau.A.2.7.25.]
TheKarṇikāra tree.
The gains in the form of gifts to courtiers; राजोपजीविनां प्रग्रहप्रदेशभोगपरिहारभक्तवेतनलाभम् [Kau.A.2.7.25.]
Hoarding, collecting (संग्रह); असाधुनिग्रहरतः साधूनां प्रग्रहे रतः [Mb.12.21.14.]
Folding, joining (hands); श्वश्रूणामविशेषेण प्राञ्जलिप्रग्रहेण च [Rām.7.] 48.1.
Obstinacy, stubbornness.
A companion, satellite.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
प्रग्रह  m.  (-हः)
1. Taking, seizing.
2. Confinement, restriction, restraint, captivity.
3. A prisoner, a captive, either man or beast in confine- ment.
4. A rein, a rope or halter for horses, and cattle.
5. The string suspending a balance.
6. Favour, kindness.
7. An arm.
8. A ray of light.
9. The commencement of an eclipse.
10. A vowel not subject to the rules of Sandhi.
11. A sort of Cassia, (C. fistula.)
E. प्र before, ग्रह् to take or seize, aff. अप्; otherwise
प्र ग्रह् अप्;
with घञ् aff. प्रग्राह .

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