Dictionaries | References


   { pralamba }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
PRALAMBA II   An asura (demon). He attacked Śrī Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma and was killed by Balarāma. [10th Skandha, Bhāgavata] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : स्तन, प्रलंब


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रलम्ब  mfn. mf()n. hanging down, depending, pendent, pendulous (generally ibc.), KātyŚr. Sch.; [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [R.]
   bending the upper part of the body forward, [MBh.]
   prominent, [MW.]
   slow, dilatory, [W.]
प्रलम्ब  m. m. hanging on or from, depending, [L.]
   a branch, [L.]
   a shoot of the vine-palm, [L.]
   a cucumber, [Bhpr.]
   a garland of flowers worn round the neck, [W.]
   a kind of necklace of pearls, [L.]
   the female breast, [L.]
   tin (?), [W.]
   N. of a दैत्य slain by बलराम or कृष्ण, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Kathās.] &c.
   of a mountain, [R.]
प्रलम्ब  f. m. (f(). N. of a राक्षसी, [Buddh.] )


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रलम्ब [pralamba]   a.
   Pendulous, hanging down; as in प्रलम्ब- केश.
   Prominent; as in प्रलम्बनासिकः.
   Slow, dilatory.
   म्बः Hanging on or from, depending.
   Anything hanging down.
   A branch.
   A garland worn round the neck.
   A kind of necklace.
   The female breast.
   Tin or lead.
  N. N. of a demon killed by Balarāma.
   A shoot of the vine-palm.
   A cucumber.
   A verse (गाथा). -Comp.
-अण्डः   a man with hanging testicles.
-घ्नः, -मथनः, -हन्  m. m. epithets of Balarāma.
-बाहु, -भुज a.  a. One whose arms hang down; [Mb.3.284.26.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रलम्ब  mfn.  (-म्बः-म्बा-म्बं)
   1. Hanging down, depending from, pendulous. 2. Slow, dilatory.
  m.  (-म्बः)
   1. Depending, hanging on or from.
   2. The new shoot or bud of a creeping plant.
   3. A garland of flowers worn round the neck.
   4. A branch.
   5. The female breast.
   6. The name of a Daitya, killed by BALARĀMA.
   7. Head.
   E. प्र before, लवि to oppose, aff. अच् .
प्र लवि अच् .

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