Dictionaries | References


   { praśās }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्र-√ शास्   P.-शास्ति, (ep. also Ā.), to teach, instruct, direct, [RV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [R.] ;
to give instructions to, order, command (acc.), [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [MārkP.] ;
to chastise, punish, [MBh.] ; [Kathās.] ;
to govern, rule, reign (also with राज्यम्), be lord of (acc. with or without अधि), [ŚBr.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to decide upon (loc.), [MBh.]
प्र √ शास्


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रशास् [praśās]   2 [P.]
   To teach, instruct, advise; अपि साक्षात् प्रशिष्यास्त्वं कृच्छ्रेष्विन्द्रपुरोहितम् [Bk.19.19.]
   To order, command; प्रशाधि यन्मया कार्यम् [Mārk. P.]
   To rule, govern, be lord of; द्यां प्रशाधि गलितावधिकालम् [N.5.24;] [R.6.76;9.1.]
   To punish, chastise.
   To pray or ask for, seek for (Atm.); इदं कविभ्यः पूर्वेभ्यो नमोवाकं प्रशास्महे [U.1.1] (used in the sense of शास् with आ q. v.).

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