प्रस्रवण n. (
1. A pool of water formed by dripping of springs in the mountains.
2. Dripping or fall of water, cascade, cataract.
3. Washing away of rocks, &c. by the dripping of water.
4. Oozing, leaking, dripping.
m. (
1. Sweat, perspiration.
2. Pissing, urining.
3. Flowing of milk from a breast or an udder.
4. A range of mountains in the peninsula; also Malayāvan.
E. प्र before,
स्रु to drop, aff.
ल्युट्; also
प्रश्रवण . ROOTS:
प्र स्रु ल्युट्; प्रश्रवण .