Dictionaries | References


   { phāṇṭa }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
फाण्ट  mfn. mf()n. (contracted from फाणित; cf.[Pāṇ. 7-2, 18] ) obtained by straining or filtering, [Ṛgvidh.]
   made or won by an easy process, readily or easily prepared, [L.]
   one who does not exert himself or takes things easy, [L.]
फाण्ट  m. m. an infusion, decoction, pounded medicinal substances mixed with four parts of hot water and then filtered, [ŚārṅgS.] (also °टक, m.), [Bhaṭṭ.]
फाण्ट  n. n. the first particles of butter that are produced by churning, [ŚBr.] ; [Kauś.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
फाण्ट [phāṇṭa] a.  a. Made by an easy process, readily or easily prepared (as a decoction).
-टः, -टम्   An infusion, decoction; फाण्टमनायाससाध्यः कषायविशेषः Sk.; फाण्टचित्रास्त्र- पाणयः [Bk.9.17.] (see the commentary; यदशृतमपिष्टं कषायमुदकसंपर्कमात्राद्विभक्तरसम् ईषदुष्णं तदल्पप्रयाससाध्यत्वात् फाण्ट- मित्युच्यते ।); क्षुणद्रव्यफले सम्यक् जलमुष्णं विनिक्षिपेत् । पात्रे चतु- ष्पलमितं ततस्तु स्रावयेज्जलम् । सोऽयं चूर्णद्रवः फाण्टो भिषग्भिरभिधीयते Vaidyaka.
-ण्टम्   The first particles of butter produced by churning.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
फाण्ट  mfn.  (-ण्टः-ण्टा-ण्टं) Readily prepared, made by an extemporaneous easy process, (decoction, &c.)
  n.  (-ण्टं)
   1. Diluted decoction, decoc- tion, easily prepared.
   2. The first particles of butter that are produced by churning.
   E. फण् to prepare easily, aff. क्त, deriv. irr.
फण् क्त

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