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   { barhis }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
BARHIS   A devagandharva clan. These were born to Kaśyapa prajāpati of his wife Pṛthā. [Chapter 65, Ādi Parva, M.B.] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बर्हिस्  m. n. (rarely m.) ‘that which is plucked up’, sacrificial grass, a bed or layer of कुश grass (usually strewed over the sacrificial ground and esp. over the वेदि, to serve as a sacred surface on which to present the oblations, and as a seat for the gods and for the sacrificers), [RV.] &c. &c.
बर्हिस्  n. n. Sacrificial Grass personified (and enumerated among the प्रयाज and अनुयाज deities), [RV.] ; [Br.]
   sacrifice, [RV.] ; [BhP.]
   ether, [L.]
   water, [L.]
   a kind of perfume, [L.]
बर्हिस्  m. m. fire, light, splendour, [L.]
   Plumbago Zeylanica, [L.]
   N. of a man, [MaitrUp.]
   of a son of बृहद्-राज, [BhP.]
   pl. the descendants of बर्हिस्, [Saṃskārak.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बर्हिस् [barhis]  m. m., n. [बर्ह् कर्मणि इसि]
   Kuśa grass; प्राक् कूले बर्हिष्यासीनो गङ्गाकुल उदङ्मुखः [Bhāg.12.6.1;] नियमविधिजलानां बर्हिषां चोपनेत्री [Ku.1.6.]
   A bed or layer of Kuśa grass.
   A sacrifice, oblation; ये बर्हिषो भागभाजं परादुः [Bhāg.4.6.5.] -m.
   Light, splendour. -n.
   A kind of perfume.-Comp.
-उत्थः, -केशः, -ज्योतिस्  m. m. an epithet of fire.
   मुखः (बर्हिर्मुखः) an epithet of fire.
   a god (whose mouth is fire).
-शुष्मन्  m. m. an epithet of fire.-सद् (बर्हिषद्) a. seated on a layer of Kuśa grass. (-m.)
   the manes (pl.); [Ms.3.199.]
   a Pitṛi or deified progenitor.

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