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   { bādara }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बादर  mfn. mf()n. (fr.बदर) belonging to or derived from the jujube tree, [Suśr.]
   made of cotton, [L.]
सूक्ष्म   coarse (opp. to ), [Śīl.]
बादर  f. m. or () f. the cotton shrub, [L.]
बादर  m. m.pl.N. of a people, [Var.]
बादर  n. n. the jujube (= बदर), [Suśr.]
   the berry of Abrus Precatorius or the plant itself, [L.]
   silk, [L.]
   water, [L.]
वार   a conch shell which winds from left to right, [L.] = (N. of a plant or w.r. for वारि?), [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बादर [bādara] a.  a. (-री f.) [बदर-अण्]
   Belonging to or coming from the jujube tree.
   Made of cotton.
   Coarse (opp. to सूक्ष्म).
-रः   The cotton shrub.
   रम् The jujube.
   A garment of cotton.
   A conch-shell winding from left to right.-रा The cotton shrub.

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