bōḷaṇēṃ v i To thicken, clot, coagulate; to form in greasy drops or lumps--blood, paints, curds, ink made of काजळ or अळता. 2 To have its gluten or thick sap fully formed--wheat, bádzrí, gram &c. 3 fig. To be blotted out of mind--an acquaintance, a knowledge. 4 To become blunt or dull--a weapon or tool. 5 To run or flow through its चाडें or tube--the seed of a पाभर or drill-plough. by introducing into it a peg, nail, burning iron &c., and working it about. . This is an accommodation of the sense of बोळणें v i Sig. IV. Applied to a befouled or rumpled cloth, and, contemptuously, to a mean and low-priced garment or cloth.