Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari
See also:  भदभद


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   bhadabhada or dāṃ ad Imit. of sharp, quick, and closely consecutive sounds; also of that emitted by a slack or a cracked drum or other instrument; also of that of certain soft bodies in falling.


 क्रि.वि.  बदबदां ; तीव्र , जलद आणि लागोपाठ होणार्‍या आवाजाच्या . तडा गेलेल्या , फुटलेल्या वाद्याच्या आवाजाचें , मऊ गोळा पडतांना होणार्‍या आवाजाचें अनुकरण होऊन .

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