Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  A bellows.


  पु. भाता . [ सं . भस्त्रा ] भस्त्री - स्त्री . लहान भाता .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
भस्त्रा  f. af. a leathern bottle or vessel (used for carrying or holding water), [ŚBr.] &c. &c.
मात्रा   a skin, pouch, leathern bag (cf.- and हेम-भ्°)
   a bellows or a large hide with valves and a clay nozzle so used, [Kāv.] ; [Pur.]
   a partic. manner of recitation, [TāṇḍBr.]
भस्त्रा   bभस्त्रिक &c. See col.2.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
भस्त्रा  f.  (-स्त्रा) A bellows, a large hide with valves and a clay nozzle, which is used for this purpose.
   E. भस् to shine, त्रन् Unādi aff., fem. aff. टाप्; also
भस् त्रन् टाप्;
   with ङीष् aff. भस्त्री and
   with कन् in the fem. form being added भस्त्रका or भस्त्रिका optionally; and with the feminine termination retained also, भस्त्राका.

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