Dictionaries | References भ भागिन् { bhāgin } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 भागिन् A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | भागिन् mfn. mfn. entitled to or receiving or possessing a share, partaking of, blessed with, concerned in, responsible for (loc., gen. or comp.) inferior, secondary, [A.] भागिन् m. m. a partner, owner, possessor, fortunate man, [TS.] &c. &c. ‘the whole’ as consisting of parts, [Kap.] a co-heir, [W.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 भागिन् The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | भागिन् [bhāgin] a. a. [भाग-इनि] Consisting of shares or parts. sharing, having a share; रूपस्य भागी भवति दृष्टमेतत्पुरातनैः [Mb.3.84.57.] sharing or participating in, partaking of; as in दुःख˚. concerned in, affected by. A possessor, owner; तस्येह भागिनौ दृष्टौ बीजी क्षेत्रिक एव च [Ms.9.53.] entitled to a share; औरसक्षेत्रजौ पुत्रौ पितृरिक्थस्य भागिनौ [Ms.9.165;] विड्जास्तु द्व्येकभागिनः [Y.2.125.] lucky, fortunate; शिवामृद्धां भागिनीं सुप्रसन्नाम् [Mb.13.26.86] (com. भागिनीं भागानामैश्वर्यादीनां षण्णां समूहो भागं तद्वतीम्). inferior, secondary. highly useful. hence भागित्वम् means 'high utility'; भागित्वाद्वा गवां स्यात् [MS.1.3.47.] [शबर explains भागित्वात् as भागवत्यो हि महाभागाः । महति उपकारे वर्तन्ते इत्यर्थः ।]. -m. A co-heir.-नी A co-heiress. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 भागिन् Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | भागिन् mfn. (गी-गिनी-गि) 1. who or what shares. 2. having parts, con- sisting of parts or shares. mf. (-गी-गिनी) A co-heir or co-heiress. E. भाग and घिनुण् aff. ROOTS:भाग घिनुण् Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP