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   { maṇḍūkḥ, maṇḍūka(s), maṇḍūka }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
MAṆḌŪKA   A class of horse. These highclass horses helped Arjuna in his campaign of victory. [Śloka 6, Chapter 28, Sabhā Parva] .
MAṆḌŪKA(S)   A tribe. The King of this tribe was Āyus. The daughter of Āyus, Suśobhā was married to Parīkṣit of Ikṣvāku dynasty. They had three sons, Śala, Dala and Bala. [Chapter 190, Vana Parva] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : मेंढक, मंडूक


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मण्डूक  f. m. (ifc.f(). ) a frog, [RV.] &c. &c.
   N. of a partic. breed of horses, [MBh.]
   Calosanthes Indica, [L.]
   a machine like a frog, [L.]
   the sole of a horse's hoof, [L.]
   N. of a ऋषि, [Pāṇ. 4-1, 119]
   of a नाग, [L.]
मण्डूक  n. n. a kind of coitus, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मण्डूकः [maṇḍūkḥ]   [मण्डयति वर्षासमयं, मण्ड् ऊकण् [Uṇ.4.42.] ]
   A frog; निपानमिव मण्डूकाः सोद्योगं नरमायान्ति विवशाः सर्वसंपदः Subhāṣ.
  N. N. of a particular breed of horses.
   A machine like a frog.
   The sole of a horse's hoof. कम् A kind of coitus or mode of sexual enjoyment.
   की A female frog.
   A wanton or unchaste woman.
  N. N. of several plants. -Comp.
-अनुवृत्तिः, -गतिः, -प्लुतिः  f. f. 'the leap of a frog', skipping over or omitting at intervals (in grammar the word is used to denote the skipping of several Sūtras and supplying from a previous Sūtra); क्रियाग्रहणं मण्डूकप्लुत्यानुवर्तते Sk.-कुलम् a collection of frogs.
-पर्णा, -पर्णिका, -पर्णी  N. N. of several plants like मञ्जिष्ठा, ब्राह्मी etc.
-योगः   a kind of abstract meditation in which the person who meditates sits motionless like a frog; मण्डूकयोगनियतैर्यथान्यायं निषेविभिः [Mb.13.142.9.]
-सरस्  n. n. a pond full of frogs.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मण्डूक  m.  (-कः)
   1. A frog.
   2. The name of a Muni.
   3. A flower, (Big- nonia Indica.)
  f.  (-का-की) Madder, (Rubia Manjith.)
  f.  (-की)
   1. A female frog.
   2. A plant, (Siphonanthus Indica, or Hydrocotyle Asiatica.)
   3. An unchaste or abandoned woman.
  n.  (-कं) A kind of coitus.
   E. मडि to ornament, Unādi aff. ऊकन् .
मडि ऊकन् .

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