मन्थर n. mf(आ)n. (allied to √ 2.मन्द् and मन्द, but in some meanings rather fr. √ मथ्) slow (lit. and fig. ; often ifc. ‘slow in’), lazy, tardy, indolent, dull, stupid, silly, [Kāv.] ; [Rājat.] ; [Sāh.] &c. (अम्ind.) low, hollow, deep (as sound), [W.] आ f. bent, curved, crooked, humpbacked (cf. f. and मन्थरक) broad, wide, large, bulky, [L.] tale-bearing, [L.] मन्थर m. m. a treasure or hair or anger (= कोश, केश, or कोप), [L.] fruit, [L.] a spy, [L.] an antelope, [L.] of the month वैशाख, [L.] a fortress, stronghold, [L.] an obstacle, hindrance, [L.] whirling, [L.] a churning-stick, [L.] मन्थपर्वत the mountain मन्दर, [W.] (cf. ) N. of a tortoise, [Hit.] मन्थर n. n. safflower.