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   { mākṣi }
Script: Devanagari


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
माक्षि [mākṣi] क्षी [kṣī] क [k]   (क्षी) क a. (-की f.) Coming or derived from a bee.
-कम् [माक्षिकाभिः संभृत्य कृतम्   अण्]
   Honey; धुर्यैरपि माधुर्यैर्द्राक्षाक्षीरेक्षुमाक्षिकसुधानाम् [Bv.4.43.]
   A kind of honeylike mineral substance; माक्षीकधातुमधुपारदलोहचूर्ण Rāja. T.
   कः A spider.
   Comp. आश्रयम् bees'-wax.
-जम्   bees'-wax.
-धातुः   pyrites.
-फलः   a kind of cocoa-nut.
-शर्करा   candied sugar.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
माक्षि (क्षी) क  n.  (-कं)
माक्षि (क्षी) क   1. A mineral substance, of which two kinds are des- cribed; the स्वर्णमाक्षिक or gold Mākshika, of a bright yellow colour, apparently the common pyritic iron ore: and the रूप्यमाक्षिक or silver Mākshika, which answers in appearance to the Hepatic py- rites of iron; other names of these ores occur; as विट्माक्षिक and कांस्यमाक्षिक, or feculent Mākshika and mixed metal Mākshika they are however, perhaps rather synonymes of the gold and silver ore, respectively, than names of distinct species.
माक्षि (क्षी) क   2. Honey.
माक्षि (क्षी) क   E. मक्षिका a bee, अण् aff. of derivation; the name is applied to the ore, from its honey-like colour.
मक्षिका अण्

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