Dictionaries | References


   { yātrika }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
यात्रिक  mfn. mfn. relating to a march or campaign &c., [Mn. vii, 184]
   relating to the support of life, requisite for subsistence, ib. vi, 27
   customary, usual, [W.]
यात्रिक  m. m. a traveller, pilgrim, ib.
यात्रिक  n. n. a march, expedition, campaign, [MBh.]
   provisions for a march, supplies &c., [MW.]
यात्रा   N. of a partic. class of astrological works (cf.).


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
यात्रिक [yātrika] a.  a. (-की f.)
   Relating to a journey or campaign.
   Requisite for the support of life; तापसेष्वेव विप्रेषु यात्रिकं भैक्षमाहरेत् [Ms.6.27.]
   Usual, customary.
   कः A traveller.
   A pilgrim.
   कम् A march, an expedition or campaign; न मार्दवं शत्रुषु यात्रिकं सदा [Mb.12.13.4.]
   Provisions, supplies (for a march); कृत्वा विधानं मूले तु यात्रिकं च यथाविधि [Ms.7.184.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
यात्रिक  mfn.  (-कः-की-कं)
   1. Relating to a march, &c.
   2. Customary, usual.
   3. Requisite for the support of life.
  m.  (-कः)
   1. A pilgrim. 2. A traveller.
  n.  (-कं) Provision, supplies, conveyance, &c., for a march.
   E. यात्रा and ठक् aff.
यात्रा ठक्

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