RĀJA (N) All the important Purāṇas have laid special emphasis on the importance of rule by Kings. All living beings will have Kings of their own. It was Brahmā who first assigned or ordained Kingship. After the creation of the Prajāpatis, Brahmā made Candra the King of the stars and medicines; Varuṇa was appointed King of waters like sea, river etc; Vaiśravaṇa was appointed King of Kings; Viṣṇu, King of Devas; Agni, King of Vasus; Indra King of Maruts; Dakṣa King of the Prajāpatis; Prahlāda King of the dānavas; Himavān, King of mountains; Citraratha, King of Gandharvas; Vāsuki, King of nāgas; Garuḍa, King of birds; Airāvata, King of elephants; Ox, King of cattle, Tiger, King of animals, Peepal tree, King of trees and Uccaiśśravas that of horses. [Agni Purāṇa] . As to what type the King of man-kind should be and what should form his duties it is ordained as follows. The Rājā should appoint either a Kṣatriya or a brahmin as his Commander-in-chief. The Commander-in-chief should be of noble birth and well-versed in law. Only a strong man who can speak boldly and openly should be appointed emissary or ambassador. Either a male or a female may be appointed to carry chewing materials. But, that person should be loyal, friendly and capable of putting up with hardships. The body-guard of the King should be a good swords-man. Ministers should be conversant with dharmaśāstras (moral and ethical codes). Also, the King should be surrounded by the royal physician, chief of the elephant division of the army, the mahout, chief of the cavalry force, master of the forts, the architect, preceptor in archery and the chief of the internal administration of the palace. When it is yet three hours for the dawn, the King should wake up from sleep. Music, praises by courtiers etc. should herald his waking up. As soon as he has woken up, the King should hold talks with his spies. Then he should examine accounts and only after this should he begin the ablutions. After his pūjā (worship) is over, cows with gold should be gifted to brahmins. With their blessings he must look first into the mirror and then in ghee along with gold. Then he must look up the almanac for the day's star etc. And after having taken the medicine prescribed by the physician and also the blessings of the preceptor the King should attend court. [Agni Purāṇa. Chapter 235] . According to Chapter 8 of the Manusmṛti (a great authority on law and ethics) Kings are born from the shoulders of Indra, Vāyu, Yama, Sūrya, Agni, Varuṇa, Candra and Kubera.