राध m. (
-धः) The month Vaiśākha, (April-May.)
f. (
1. The asterism, in which the moon is full in the month Vaiśākha; the sixteenth of the Nakshatras, containing four stars in the shape of a festoon.
2. A celebrated Gopi, the favourite mistress of KRISH- ṆA, during his residence in Brindāvana amongst the cow- herds.
3. Name of the foster mother of KARṆA.
4. Prosperity.
5. Lightning.
6. An attitude in shooting, standing with the feet a span apart.
7. Emblic myrobalan.
8. A flower, (Clitoria ternata.)
E. राध् to accomplish, aff.
अच्, fem. aff.
टाप्; or
राधा the asterism,
अण् aff. of reference.
राध् अच् टाप्; राधा अण्