Dictionaries | References र रोहण { rōhaṇḥ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words रोहण A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 रोहण m. m.N. of a mountain (Adam's Peak in Ceylon), [Rājat.] रोहण n. n. a means of ascending, [RV.] the act of mounting or ascending or riding or sitting or standing on (comp.), [Yājñ.] the putting or fastening on (of a bowstring), [Cat.] क्षत-र्° the growing over, healing (of a wound; cf.), [MBh.] ROOTS:क्षत र्°the proceeding from, consisting of [Vās.] ; [Sāh.] semen virile, [L.] रोहण The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 रोहणः [rōhaṇḥ] [रुह्-ल्युट् [Uṇ.2.74] ] N. of a mountain in Ceylon; मणिप्ररोहेण विवृध्य रोहणः [N.12.9;] जनश्च वाक्सुधा- सूतिर्मणिसूतिश्च रोहणः [B. R.1.49.] णम् The act of mounting, riding, ascending.Growing over, healing.Proceeding or arising from; consisting of.Semen virile. -Comp.-गिरिः, -नगेन्द्रः The Rohaṇa mountain; रोहणगिरिः सकलगुणरत्नसमूहस्य [Vas.] -द्रुमः the sandal tree. रोहण Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 रोहण n. (-णं)1. Semen virile.2. Rising in or on, mounting, ascending. 3. Growing, as a plant.4. Healing of a wound.5. A particular mountain: see the last.E. रुह् to grow, &c., aff. ल्युट् . ROOTS:रुह् ल्युट् . Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP