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   { lambanḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लम्बन  mfn. mfn. hanging down or causing to hang down (said of शिव), [MBh.]
लम्बन  m. m. a camp-follower, soldier's boy, [Hcar.]
   phlegm, the phlegmatic humour, [L.]
   N. of a son of ज्योतिष्-मत्, [VP.]
लम्बन  n. n. hanging down, depending, falling, [W.]
   a partic. mode of fighting, [Hariv.]
   the moon's parallax in longitude, the interval of the lines between the earth's centre and surface, [Sūryas.] ; [Gol.]
   a fringe, [L.]
   a long necklace (depending from the neck to the navel), [L.]
   N. of a वर्ष in कुश-द्वीप, [MārkP.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लम्बनः [lambanḥ]   [लम्ब्-ल्यु ल्युट् वा]
   An epithet of Śiva.
   The phlegmatic humour.
   A camp-follower.
   नम् Hanging down, depending, descending &c.
   The parallax in longitude (of the moon).
   A sort of long necklace; also लम्बमाना.
   A mode of fighting. -Comp.
-विधिः   (in astr.) the rule for calculating the moon's parallax in longitude.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लम्बन  n.  (-नं)
   1. Depending, descending, falling.
   2. A long necklace, one which depends from the neck to the navel.
   3. Parallax in longitude, (of the moon.)
  m.  (-नः)
   1. Phlegm, the phlegmatic humour. 2. An epithet of ŚIVA.
   E. लबि to fall, &c., aff. ल्युट् .
लबि ल्युट् .

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