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   { liṅgin }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लिङ्गिन्  mfn. mfn. having a mark or sign, wearing a distinguishing mark
   (ifc.) having the marks or appearance of, characterized by, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
द्विज-ल्°   bearing false marks or signs, a hypocrite, (ifc.) only having the appearance or acting the part of ib. (cf.)
द्विज ल्°
   having a right to wear signs or badges, one whose external appearance corresponds, with his inner character, ib.
   having a subtle body, [BhP.]
लिङ्गिन्  m. m. a Brāhman of a partic. order, religious student, ascetic, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
लिङ्गिन्  m. m. pl. ‘possessing or furnished with a लिङ्ग’, N. of a शैव sect (See लिङ्ग-वत्), [Col.]
लिङ्गिन्  m. m. ‘sustaining the लिङ्ग or प्रधान’, N. of परमेश्वर, [LiṅgaP.]
-व्यापक   (in logic) = , that which possesses an invariable characteristic mark (as in the proposition ‘there is fire because there is smoke’, fire is the लिङ्गिन्; cf.[IW. 62] )
   original source or germ, [Kap.] Sch.
   an elephant, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लिङ्गिन् [liṅgin] a.  a. [लिङ्गमस्त्यस्य इनि]
   Having a mark or sign.
   Characterized by.
   Wearing the maks or badges of, having the appearance of, disguised as, hypocritical, wearing false badges (at the end of comp.); स वर्णिलिङ्गी विदितः समाययौ युधिष्ठिरं द्वैतवने वनेचरः [Ki.1.1;] so आर्यलिङ्गिन्.
   Furnished with a liṅga.
   Having a right to wear signs or badges.
   One whose outward form corresponds with his inward character.
   Having a subtle body. -m.
   A religious student, Brāhmaṇa ascetic; अलिङ्गी लिङ्गिवेषेण यो वृत्तिमुपजीवति । स लिङ्गिनां हरत्येनस्तिर्यग्यौनौ च जायते ॥ [Ms.4.2;] स्त्रीलिङ्गिविप्रबालानां प्रहर्तव्यं न कर्हिचित् [Pt.4.39.]
   A worshipper of Śiva'sliṅga.
   A hypocrite, pretending devotee, pseudoascetic.
   An elephant.
   (In logic) That which possesses the liṅga or middle term; i. e. वह्नि is the लिङ्गिन् in the familiar instance पर्वतो बह्निमान् धूमात्.
   (Hence) The subject of a proposition.
   The Supreme Being (as the sustainer of liṅga.)
   The cause or source.
  N. N. of a Śaiva sect. -Comp.
-वेषः   the dress of a religious student.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लिङ्गिन्  mfn.  (-ङ्गी-ङ्गिनी-ङ्गि)
   1. Having marks, &c.
   2. Indicated, characterized.
  m.  (-ङ्गी)
   1. An elephant.
   2. A hypocrite, a pre- tended devotee.
   3. An ascetic.
   4. A religious student.
   5. A wor- shipper of ŚIVA in the phallic type.
   6. The subject of a preposi- tion, (in logic.)
   E. लिङ्ग a mark, and इनि aff.
लिङ्ग इनि

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