लिङ्गिन् mfn. mfn. having a mark or sign, wearing a distinguishing mark (ifc. ) having the marks or appearance of, characterized by, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. द्विज-ल्° bearing false marks or signs, a hypocrite, (ifc. ) only having the appearance or acting the part of ib. (cf. ) having a right to wear signs or badges, one whose external appearance corresponds, with his inner character, ib. having a subtle body, [BhP.] लिङ्गिन् m. m. a Brāhman of a partic. order, religious student, ascetic, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. लिङ्गिन् m. m. pl. ‘possessing or furnished with a लिङ्ग’, N. of a शैव sect (See लिङ्ग-वत्), [Col.] लिङ्गिन् m. m. ‘sustaining the लिङ्ग or प्रधान’, N. of परमेश्वर, [LiṅgaP.] -व्यापक (in logic) = , that which possesses an invariable characteristic mark (as in the proposition ‘there is fire because there is smoke’, fire is the लिङ्गिन्; cf. [IW. 62] ) original source or germ, [Kap.] Sch. an elephant, [L.]