वसनम् [vasanam] [वस्-आधारे ल्युट्]
Dwelling, residing, staying.
A house, residence.
Dressing, clothing, covering.
A garment, cloth, dress, clothes; वसने परिधूसरे वसाना
[Ś.7.21;] उत्सङ्गे वा मलिनवसने सौम्य निक्षिप्य वीणाम्
[Me.88,43.] An ornament worn (by women) round the loins, (probably for रसना).
A leaf of the cinnamon tree.
-ना (in comp.)
Clothed in.
Surrounded by; समुद्रवसने देवि पर्वतस्तनमण्डले.
Engrossed by. -Comp.
-पर्यायः change of clothes.-सद्मन् a tent.