Dictionaries | References


   { vastiḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : पेड़ू, मूत्राशय, पिचकारी, एनिमा


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   vasti f S The belly below the navel; the hypogastrium and pubes. 2 A clyster-pipe, a tube of bladder or gut with a nozzle.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  f  The belly below the navel; a clyster-pipe.


   ओंटीपोट .
   मूत्राशयाच्या चर्माची पिचकारी . [ सं . ]
०शोधन  न. मूत्ररेच . [ सं . बस्ती ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वस्ति  f. 1.m. or f. (for 2. See col.2) the ends or skirt of a cloth (also pl.), [L.]
वस्ति  f. 2.f. (for 1. See col.1, for 3. See p. 933, col. 1) abiding, dwelling, staying, [W.]
वस्ति  mf. 3.mf. (also written बस्ति; perh. connected with 2.वस्ति See p. 932, col. 3) the bladder, [AV.] &c. &c.
   the lower belly, abdomen, [VarBṛS.] ; [KāśīKh.]
   the pelvis, [MW.]
   an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself, [Kathās.] ; [Suśr. &c.]
वस्ति   [cf.Lat.venter, vesica; Germ.wanast, Wanst.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वस्तिः [vastiḥ]  m. m., f. [वस्-तिः, [Uṇ.4.188] ]
   Residing, dwelling, staying.
   The abdomen, the lower belly.
   The pelvis.
   The bladder.
   A syringe, clyster.-Comp.
-कर्मन्  n. n. the application of an enema, injection.
-कर्माढ्यः   the soap-berry (Mar. रिठा).
-कोशः   a bladder, bag.
-पीडा   spasm in the bladder.
-बिलम्, -मूलम्   aperture of the bladder.
-मलम्   urine. -शिरस्n.
   the pipe of a clyster.
   the neck of the bladder.-शोधनम् a diuretic (which clears the bladder).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वस्ति  mf.  (-स्तिः)
   1. The lower belly, hypogastric or pubic region.
   2. The bladder.
   3. A clyster-syringe, or bag made of bladder or gut, with a wooden or metallic nozzle.
   4. Abiding, dwelling, staying. plu. only (-स्तयः) The ends of a cloth.
   E. वस् to wear, Unādi aff. ति; or वस् to abide, क्तिन् aff.; or वस्ते आवृणोति मूत्रम् वस्-तिच् .
वस् ति; वस् क्तिन् वस्ते आवृणोति मूत्रम् वस्-तिच् .

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