वि-°डम्बन mfn. mfn. imitating, representing, acting like,
[BhP.] वि-°डम्बन f. n. and
f(आ). imitation, copying, representing, playing the part of any one, imposture, disguise (
esp. applied to a god assuming human form),
[Kāv.] ;
[Pur.] (
acc. with √
कृ, to imitate, copy, represent)
वि-°डम्बन n. n. derision, ridiculousness, mockery, scoff, scorn, vexation, mortification,
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c. (
acc. with √
कृ, to mock, deride)
disgrace, degradation profanation,
[BhP.] abuse, misusage,
[VarBṛS.] disappointing, frustrating,