Dictionaries | References


   { vibhraṃś }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वि-√ भ्रंश्   (sometimes written भ्रंस्) Ā.-भ्रंशते, to fall off (fig.), be unfortunate, fail or be unsuccessful in (loc.), [PañcavBr.] ;
to be separated from, desert (abl.), KātyŚr.:
Caus.-भ्रंशयति, to cause to fall, [MBh.] ;
to strike or break off, [R.] ;
to cause to disappear or vanish, destroy annihilate, [BhP.] ;
to divert from, deprive of (abl.), [MBh.] ; [BhP.]
वि √ भ्रंश्


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विभ्रंश् [vibhraṃś]   1 Ā., 4 [P.]
   To drop or fall down.
   To go to ruin, decay.
   To fall, stray from, go astray.
   To lose.
   To disappear, vanish.
   To fail.-Caus.
   To strike off, knock down.
   To lead astray, seduce.
   To destroy, ruin, annihilate.
   To deprive (one) of.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : मुह्

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