1.Ā. -यतते, to dispose in various rows, [AV.] : Caus. -यातयति, to place in rows, arrange,
[TS.] ;
to do penance,
[AV.] ;
to torment, pain, punish,
[MBh.] वि-यत् mfn. 2.mfn. (pr. p. of वि- √ 5.इ) going apart or asunder, [RV. i, 164, 38]
being dissolved, passing away, vanishing, [BhP.]
वि-यत् n. n. the sky, heaven, air, atmosphere (prob. as ‘that which parts asunder or forms the intermediate region between heaven and earth’), [VS.] &c. &c.
ether (as an element), [BhP.] ; [Sarvad.]
N. of the 10th mansion, [VarBṛS.]
a kind of metre, [VS.]