क्रि.वि. १ पासून - पर्यंत ; भर ; सर्व ; दरेक ; प्रत्येकी . ( समासांत ) महाल - जिल्हा - खाते - किल्ला - निहाय . २ मध्ये . पाटील - महार - निहाय = पाटला - महारा - मध्ये . [ अर . निहायत ]
nihāya This word from A Extremity or bound, is attached to territorial designations, as महालनिहाय, जिल्हेनिहाय, मौजेनिहाय, गांवनिहाय &c., importing Throughout the Maháls, Zillás &c. Sometimes it is found attached to nouns of other classes, still in the sense Throughout; as पाटीलनिहाय, महारनिहाय Through or amongst all the Páṭíls.
Extremity or bound, is attached to territorial designations, as महालनिहाय, जिल्हेनिहाय &c., importing. Throughout the Mahâls, Zilla's &c.
क्रि.वि. दरेक , प्रत्येकी , प्रमाणे ( जिल्हा / तालुका निहाय ).
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