Dictionaries | References


   { viṣṭarḥ }
Script: Devanagari


  पु. मधुपर्कसमयीं अतिथि वगैरेस आसनासाठीं द्यावयाची दर्भाची विशिष्ट आकाराची मुष्टि ; दर्भासन . सिध्द जाहला मधुपर्क देखा । विष्टर दिधला जगन्नायका । - एरुस्व २४ . १३७ .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वि-ष्टर  m. m. (√ स्तृ) anything spread out, a handful of rushes or grass for sitting on (esp. the seat of the presiding Brāhman at a sacrifice), [GṛŚrS.] ; [MBh.]
वि ष्टर
   a seat made of 25 shoots of कुश grass tied up in a sheaf, [W.]
   a tree, [L.]
   N. of a divine being reckoned among the विश्वेदेवाः, [Hariv.]
वि-ष्टर  mn. mn. any seat or couch, chair, stool &c., [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
वि ष्टर
वि-ष्टर  mfn. mfn. = वि-स्तर, extensive, wide (?) See comp.
वि ष्टर


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विष्टरः [viṣṭarḥ]   1 A seat (a stool, chair &c.); कुशपूतं प्रवयास्तु विष्टरम् (आददे) [R.8.18;] वृक्षशाखां स्वयं छित्वा विष्टराय ददौ मुदा [A. Rām.4.1.32.]
   A layer, bed (as of Kuśa grass.).
   A handful of Kuśa grass.
   The seat. of the presiding priest (or Brahman) at a sacrifice.
   A tree.
   An ascetic seat made of 25 Kuśa grassshoots ('पञ्चाशद्भिर्भवेद् ब्रह्मा तदर्धेन तु विष्टरः'); विष्टरासनयोग्यो हि कालोऽयं मामुपस्थितः [Rām.2.2.28.] -Comp.
-भाज् a.  a. seated on or occupying a seat; तत्रेश्वरो विष्टरभाग् यथावत् [Ku.7.72.]
-श्रवस्  m. m. an epithet of Viṣṇu or Kṛiṣṇa; तं वदन्तमिति विष्टरश्रवाः श्रावयन्नथ समस्तभूभृतः [Śi.14.12;] [Mb.14.14.2.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विष्टर  m.  (-रः)
   1. A tree.
   2. A handful of Kuśa or sacred grass.
   3. A seat, a stool, a chair, a couch, &c.
   4. The seat of the Brāhman, either real or in effigy, as presiding at a sacrifice.
   5. A bed.
   6. A seat made of twenty-five straws of Kuśa grass tied up in a sheaf.
   E. वि before स्तृ to spread, aff. अप् and changed to ष .
वि स्तृ अप् ष .

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