Dictionaries | References


   { vaitaraṇiḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वैतरणि  f. f. = next, [Uṇ. ii, 103] Sch.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वैतरणिः [vaitaraṇiḥ] णी [ṇī]   णी f.
  N. N. of the river of hell; पश्यञ्जनं पतितं वैतरण्याम् [Bhāg.2.2.7.]
  N. N. of a river in the country of the Kaliṅgas.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वैतरणि  f.  (-णिः-णी)
   1. The river of hell.
   2. Name of a river in the KALINGAS.
   3. The mother of the Rākshasas.
   E. वि various, तरण crossing, aff. इञ् or अण्, and ङीष् aff.; or वि prohibitive, तरणी crossing; or वितरण giving, (liberality in life securing a passage;) or वि priv., तरणी a boat, passed without a boat; the aff. is same.
वि तरण इञ् अण् ङीष् वि तरणी वितरण वि तरणी

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